PDF feed of Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship

PDF feed of Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship

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LDS Perspectives on the Atonement?
July 26, 2024

Review of Deidre Nicole Green and Eric D. Huntsman, eds., Latter-day Saint Perspectives on Atonement (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2024). 344 pages, $35.00 (paperback). Abstract: Latter-day S

Nameless: Mormon’s Dramatic Use of Omission in Helaman 2
July 26, 2024

Abstract: There are many reasons why a narrator may choose to provide or withhold the names of various characters. This article hypothesizes that Mormon intentionally omitted the name of a key charact

“I Shall Gather In”: The Name Joseph, Iterative Divine Action, and the Latter-day Harvest Ingathering of Israel as Themes in 3 Nephi
July 19, 2024

Abstract: The identity of the people of Nephi who were spared, and also those who had been called Lamanites, who had been spared (3Nephi 10:18) as a remnant of the seed of Joseph (3 Nephi 5:23; 1

Who Holds the Keys?
July 12, 2024

Abstract: While, for understandable reasons, Protestant Christendom tends to downplay the question, the more ancient Christian churches have historically placed considerable weight on what is often te

Are There Ten Commandments for Latter-day Zion?
July 05, 2024

Abstract: New faith traditions often modify existing religious tenets to accommodate the particulars of their memberships needs. A specific example is how different faith communities have modified th

Further Evidence from the Book of Mormon for a Book of Moses-Like Text on the Brass Plates
June 28, 2024

Abstract: Students of the Book of Mormon have long mined the Old Testament as a rich source of influence on Nephite writers. However, surprising recent finds suggest that an ancient text related to th

“This Stone Shall Become the Great, and the Last, and the Only Sure Foundation”: A Nephite Poetics of Dramatic Fusion and Transfer in Jacob 5
June 21, 2024

Abstract: In this study, three intersecting images are traced through the small plates until Jacob 5, where they directly (or by implication) culminate in the final section of Zenoss allegory. The th

An Analysis of the Financial Incentives in Attacking the Restoration
June 14, 2024

Abstract: With the popularity of social media growing exponentially, prominent critics of the Church are leveraging the platforms, particularly YouTube, as a key resource to produce thousands of negat

“Armed with Righteousness and with the Power of God”: Allusions to Priestly Clothing, Priesthood, and Temple in 1 Nephi 14:14
June 07, 2024

Abstract: Nephi saw in vision that in the latter-days the saints of the church of the Lamb and covenant people of the Lord who, though scattered across the earth, were armed with righteousness an

The Seven Women Seeking the Bridegroom: Isaiah 4:1 as Transition Point in a Redemption Allegory
May 31, 2024

Abstract: Nephi laboriously copied many of the words of Isaiah in hopes that his readers would rejoice in Christ. While Isaiah 4:1 (2 Nephi 14:1) is generally not viewed as Messianic, there may be an