Insomnia Coach® Podcast

Insomnia Coach® Podcast

Latest Episodes

How Summer let go of trying to control her sleep, her thoughts, and her feelings — and regained control over her life (#58)
April 30, 2024

Summer's struggle with sleep was taking over her life. No matter what she did to try to fix her sleep, nothing seemed to work. The more she tried to control sleep, the more difficult it became. - Whe

How Nina overcame insomnia by embracing wakefulness and dropping the struggle (#57)
March 26, 2024

When Nina fell pregnant she could no longer use the medication she relied upon to get her through occasional periods of insomnia. Her sleep got worse and insomnia seemed to take over her life. Nothing

How Kreuza dealt with insomnia and somniphobia by practicing more acceptance and less resistance (#56)
February 29, 2024

Kreuza found cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) helpful. However, when sleep problems returned as somniphobia a fear of sleep itself the same techniques no longer seemed to work. -

How Rachel got out of the insomnia struggle by being more flexible, more accepting, and more present (#55)
January 30, 2024

Rachel's battle with insomnia began in grad school. Sleep aids and strict routines failed to improve her sleep. - Real change came when she moved away from trying to create the perfect conditions for

How Jessica broke free from insomnia by letting go and accepting it without judgement (#54)
November 29, 2023

Jessica's struggle with insomnia began on a family trip, and it worsened each time she traveled until it stuck around, even at home. No matter what she tried, her nights were filled with anxiety and s

How Eric got his life back from insomnia by focusing on what he can control (#53)
October 31, 2023

Eric's battle with insomnia started after a middle-of-the-night panic attack turned sleep into a nightly struggle. In a desperate search for solutions, he made changes that didn't improve his sleep an

How Gerry used mindfulness and self-kindness to move away from an endless struggle with insomnia (#52)
September 28, 2023

Gerry's decades-long struggle with insomnia felt like a never-ending battle. The more he tried to force sleep, the worse his insomnia became. - His turning point came when he shifted his approach, emb

How Anne-Claire moved away from the insomnia struggle by practicing new habits and being more willing to experience insomnia (#51)
August 31, 2023

Anne-Claire experienced sleep issues when she overextended herself running her business. After reducing her workload her sleep didn't get any better. Supplements and medication didn't seem to help. Th

How Jessy separated herself from her thoughts, moved away from medication, and transformed her relationship with sleep (#50)
July 19, 2023

Jessy experienced sleep disruption due to the stress of COVID and the breakup of her community. Initially, she found it difficult to fall asleep. Then she started waking during the night and found it

How Maria faced the fear of insomnia by allowing it to exist and discovered that all its power came from how she responded to it (#49)
June 14, 2023

After experiencing anxiety and panic attacks and not sleeping for 72 hours, Maria thought she had lost the ability to sleep. Medication wasn't working. She withdrew from life. She couldn't focus on an