Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

Latest Episodes

Assaulting the Soul of America – ITEL PT – 6.4.20
June 06, 2020

What can we gather from witnessing this massive assault on the United States?  Afterall, does anyone truly believe that what appears to be clearly some false flag “murder” of a “black man” by a “White officer” is someho

America Under Attack – ITEL – 5.30.20
May 30, 2020

As we approach nearly half a year of “corona virus” madness, the initial  and sustained media onslaught is giving way to leakage in the narrative.  The “virus” is not nearly as deadly nor dangerous to a health population as initial

Sacrificing Children on the Altar of Vaccines – ITEL PT – 5.28.20
May 29, 2020

A cadre of politicians can be found sprinkled around the world that are all too willing to sacrifice humanity to the vaccine syndicate in the name of “safety”.  Perhaps one of the more disturbing in this list of politicians is President Dutert

Joe Rizoli – ITEL PT – 5.28.20
May 29, 2020

Joe Rizoli joined Inside the Eye – Live! Prime Time! on Thursday, May 28, 2020, to discuss the ongoing madness as the world has been plunged into a modern era police state in the name of “public safety”.  Joe, as perhaps you already know

Jews and LGBTQ – Foot Soldiers to Destroy the West – ITEL – 5.23.20
May 24, 2020

The original audio file for this file has been replaced.  The Thursday 5.21.20 show was errantly assigned to this show wrap-up page.  The current audio file is now the correct 5.23.20.  Change made effective 5.25.20 at 11:15 EDT.  Apologies for any inconv

The Criminal Political Class – 5.21.20
May 22, 2020

The dam failures this past week in Michigan, in many ways, represent the failed policies of Gov. Whitmer and so many government officials relative to their policies towards dealing with the Plandemic.  All signs of pending failures have been observed, art

Fauci Flu – A Veiled Coup d’Etat? – ITEL – 5.16.20
May 16, 2020

The Fauci Flu appears to be a coordinated effort to conduct a thinly veiled coup d’etat against the United States as “Blue State” governors, mayors, health officials, and other state agencies seek to impose a “new normal” ove

Lockdowns and Local Health Officials – 5.14.20
May 15, 2020

As the people of the United States move from containment to efforts to extricate themselves from the nightmarish position that the nations local, state, and federal policymakers have put them in, focus has begun to shift to understanding just who and why

Lockdowns – Actions Born in Fraud – 5.9.20
May 10, 2020

Imagine how fragile a world we live in when a hyper-minority of people can fraudulently skew reality to such a degree that the world becomes a shadow of its former self and governments of the world lock down nearly the entirety of the world under house ar

Coronavirus – The Cover-up Begins – ITEL PT – 5.7.20
May 08, 2020

This show covered two primary issues: first, the bad faith actions of government officials, and second, the evolving attempts at cover-up of the coronavirus by Secretary of State Pompeo and his “deep state” department.  Phone calls peppered th