Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

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Pushing-back Against Tyranny – ITEL – 5.2.20
May 02, 2020

If people wonder how it is that Jews were able to murder millions of Ukrainians during the 1930’s, Americans should simply look at the condition they find themselves in today.  Like Ukrainians nearly 90 years before, Americans find themselves locked

Covid19- Scientific, Medical, and Political Fraud – ITEL PT – 4.30.20
May 01, 2020

As governments across the West continue the madness of massive house arrests of their populations, what becomes increasingly clear is that this Covid19 madness never was about “saving lives” or “flattening a curve” in the hopes of

The Plandemic – A Collossal Policy Failure – ITEL – 4.25.20
April 26, 2020

As the “corona virus” plandemic plods cumbersomely along, what is slowly being revealed is that government plans regarding how to deal with a virus outbreak have proven to be insanely out of touch with reality.  Without a doubt, what we are wi

Jennifer Zeng – Insights on China – ITEL – 4.25.20
April 26, 2020

Jennifer Zeng, a human rights activist from China and internationally recognized Chinese dissident, joined Inside the Eye – Live! to share some of her insights about China.  Jennifer is also the author of “Witnessing History, One Chinese Woman

Fauci Flu Narrative Collapses – ITEL PT – 4.23.20
April 24, 2020

The numbers keep piling in and the results are staggering.  America’s policy makers, from the President on down, initially advised by two smart people and known fraudsters, Dr’s Fauci and Birx, force multiplied by news out of China, sensationa

Rockefeller 2010 Pandemic Plan – ITEL – 4.18.20
April 19, 2020

The Fauci Flu has been long in the making.  First discussed in a Rockefeller Institute booklet entitled Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development, a “future scenario” spoke about the precise set of circumstances that

Pastor Eli James – ITEL – 4.18.20
April 18, 2020

Pastor Eli James, the admin-owner of Eurofolk Radio, joined Inside the Eye – Live! to discuss the ongoing CoVID19 scam, Rockefeller’s monopolization of the medicine industry, the inherent fraud of allopathic medicine, and the need for people t

Fetch on Fridays #13 – Utter Madness – 4.17.20
April 17, 2020

In this episode of Fetch on Fridays, Andy and I entitled it “Utter Madness”, we discuss the literal utter madness we are witnessing across our societies as politicians and their police organs impose draconian house arrests in the name of &#822

Michigan Protests State Tyranny – ITEL PT – 4.16
April 17, 2020

The Certificate of Vaccine ID (COVID19) scam is clearly being used to usher in a “new normal”, that which allows tyrants at city, county, state, and federal levels to declare themselves literal dictators over wide swaths of lands within the Un

Democrat Activists Behind Covid19 Models – 4.11.20
April 11, 2020

The Fauci Flu marches on as the narrative that supported Fauci’s flu slowly begins to crumble as the inquiry of Reason begins to splash and surge around the foundation.  The reality is, Fauci’s flu numbers simply don’t add up and he has