Inside Selling

Inside Selling

Latest Episodes

Increase Cold Email Response Rates By Teaching Rather Than Taking With Shoshi Weinstein
May 17, 2018

In this episode Shoshi shares – Why prospects naturally put up roadblocks when you first engage with them How to read shift your mindset from selling to helping The importance of uncovering and then sharing information that will make your prospects sm...

Cold Outreach That Makes Prospects Feel Good with Ryan O’Hara
May 10, 2018

Ryan O'Hara is the VP of Marketing for LeadIQ and a complete legend when it comes to cold outreach. He typically gets a 50% response rate on his campaigns. I loved interviewing him on Inside Selling because he brings so much positive energy and creativity

The Sales Metrics That Matter Most with Leslie Venetz
April 25, 2018

As a sales manager your problem probably isn’t too little data. It’s too much data. Too much data can be overwhelming. And when you’re overwhelmed, you can’t analyze the data, interpret it, and make smart decisions. Leslie Venetz is here to help! She is

How to Grow Audiences & Get Your Dream Job with Sarah Grosz
April 18, 2018

In this episode Sarah shares – How she grew the Syracuse Entrepreneur Club from 50 to 500+ people The "hack" that got her kicked out of the Syracuse Entrepreneur Club A clever way to lean more about your audience Why she dropped of out college

What My Grandma’s Toaster Can Teach You About Reducing Sales Pressure
April 03, 2018

Learn how to remove the debilitating feeling of rejection when selling.

Beware “Yes” – Master “No
March 20, 2018

Stop pushing for yes and instead turn your questions into "no"-oriented questions to create safe environments where prospects feel comfortable opening up so that you can get to more truth. Lesson learned from Never Split the Difference: Negotiating A...

Tito Bohrt: Lessons Learned From Making 1 Million Cold Calls
February 14, 2018

Tito's SDR teams have made over 1 million cold calls. 55% of the people his SDRs connect with book a meeting. In this episode Tito shares his techniques and methods for making effective cold calls.

Cold Calling with Michael Phillips, Founder of
February 08, 2018

In this episode of Inside Selling, Michael Phillips the founder of teaches you and approach to cold calling that reduces call anxiety while feeling good on the soul.
