Inside Selling

Inside Selling

Latest Episodes

Why Do Some Reps Crush It While Others Tank With Leslie Venetz
August 07, 2018

Why do some reps crush it while others tank? One reason has to do with mindset. In this episode Leslie and I will share some tips for leveling up your mental game.

First Impressions With Dale Dupree
July 23, 2018

Dale Dupree aka The Copier Warrior, is a top copier salesperson and an expert in making good first impressions. On this episode Dale explains how he creates strong emotional connections with prospects so they feel comfortable having conversations with ...

Positioning with Phillip Morgan
July 11, 2018

Phillip Morgan on how to position your offering and the importance of niching down.

Persistence Part 2: How Much is Too Much with Jessica Watts
July 06, 2018

You've been there.  You had an awesome discovery call.  Then crickets.  Your prospect disappears and you start chasing.  Do you follow up forever?  In this episode Jessica Watts and I share a few ideas that will help you reduce the number of prospects ...

Persistence Part 1: How Much is Too Much with Jessica Watts
July 03, 2018

"Either you've been eaten by alligators or you're just plain swamped."  "Don't leave me hanging." "I've tried reaching out multiple times.  If I offended you in a way please let me know." Prospecting persistence.

Page Kemna: LinkedIn’s Resume Singer
June 26, 2018

Page Kemna talks about how she earned viral fame - and a slew of job offers by creatig a sensational musical cover letter to spice up her resume.

Tito Borht: Personalization at Scale
June 18, 2018

TIto Borht, the CEO of AltiSales shares how and SDR was able to book 37 meetings in one month using personalization at scale.

Using Personalized Video to Warm Up Cold Calls with Morgan Gillespie
June 12, 2018

Learn how Morgan Gillespie is using video to warm up cold calls, book more meetings and even prompt her prospects to write articles about her approach on LinkedIn. No really, you can read the article here -

How to Attract Clients by Giving Rather Than Getting With Guy Lambert
June 01, 2018

Guy Lambert is the head of sales at Mentorloop. On this episode of Inside Selling Guy explains how he attracts prospects by offering education around a specific problem.

Two Secrets to Cold Calling Success with Seth Weinstock
May 24, 2018

Seth Weinstock is a master of cold calling. On this episode of Inside Selling Seth explains the secrets you need to know to achieve cold call success and the script he uses to set meetings.
