Inside Selling

Inside Selling

Latest Episodes

Bombing in Sales
October 11, 2022

Bombing in sales can ruin your day or energize you. Here's how to be energized by sales bombs.

Josh & Sam McKenna Chat About Sales
October 09, 2022

I always enjoy chatting sales with wicket-smart human Sam McKenna.

Do You Have a Persuasion Reflex?
October 08, 2022

Why prospects put up resistance when you try to persuade. And what to do instead.

A Killer First Question to Ask Inbound Leads
October 07, 2022

This is my favorite first question to ask an inbound lead. Here's why.

Don’t Hold Pricing Hostage
October 05, 2022

A prospect interrupts the demo and asks for pricing. What do you do?

Why You’re Repelling Prospects
October 03, 2022

Here's why you're repelling prospects and what to do instead.

What To Do & Say When a Prospect Ghosts You
October 01, 2022

Been ghosted? Here's what to do and say.

Developing a Surfer’s Mind When Cold Calling
September 30, 2022

Developing a surfer's mind when cold calling to lower the Zone of Resistance.

Starting Conversations With Skeptical Prospects
September 22, 2022

Thoughts on starting conversations with prospects who have little interest in speaking with you.

4 Habits That Make Selling Joyful
September 19, 2022

Thoughts on four habits that make selling more enjoyable.
