Infertility Mental Health

Ep #2: How To Feel Better During Infertility
Navigating negative emotions during infertility can make the experience even more daunting to get through.
If you want to feel better before you reach your goal of motherhood, this is the episode for you.
We’re conditioned to think that the baby we long for will make us feel better once the pregnancy test is positive or the baby is in our arms. These things are external circumstances and will never make you feel any better. Nothing that is an external circumstance will ever have that power in your life.
All of our thoughts create our emotions so any emotion you want to have must come from a thought you generate and genuinely believe.
Our thoughts are optional and so are the feelings they create. If we can consciously choose the thoughts we want to believe then we can also choose the feelings that we experience.
If you haven’t already grab your copy of the Infertility Mental Health Checklist. With it you’ll discover nine life coaching tools that can help you get through the infertility struggle with your sanity intact.
Where your emotions come from.
When you can realistically start feeling better.
The process of shifting your emotions.
Why you need to address how you feel before getting to motherhood.