In the Flow of Magic | Taking mid-life Goddesses, from Burnout to Bliss.

Mindfulness Breakthrough: Helpless Child Money Block| Ep 117
Introduction: Welcome to the Flow of Magic
Hello, beautiful souls! Welcome to another episode of In the Flow of Magic. I’m your host, Viv—YuGi Viv—and I am so glad you’re here today. Let’s set the tone for this session. I’m sitting here with my cat, Purral, who just finished a playful tussle with me and is now settling into my lap. I’ve also got a comforting cup of chamomile ginger tea with me. I encourage you to get cozy as well while we dive into today’s episode.
In this session, I’ll be sharing two things:
- The beauty and depth of mindfulness.
- A concept that arose from my mindful awareness—something I’m calling the Helpless Child Syndrome (for now), particularly related to abundance and prosperity.
The Power of Mindfulness
Mindfulness meditation is a transformative practice that can illuminate aspects of our lives that may have been previously hidden. When we become quiet internally, it allows thoughts, patterns, and beliefs that have been lurking below the surface to emerge.
Imagine murky water where you can’t see anything beneath it. Mindfulness clears that water, bringing clarity to everything submerged below, like the crystal-clear waters of a beach in Sardinia or the Caribbean. One of the greatest gifts mindfulness offers is this clarity. It’s through mindfulness that I discovered what I’m now calling The Helpless Child Syndrome.
Discovering the Helpless Child Syndrome
A few days ago, during my own mindfulness and prosperity work, I uncovered a personal block around abundance—one that I hadn’t noticed before. I call this block The Helpless Child Syndrome. This realization came while I was practicing affirmations, a process where I write down my affirmations and allow them to shift organically. Through this, subconscious beliefs often reveal themselves.
Here’s how it unfolded for me:
- I wrote the affirmation: “It’s okay for me to have money. I am safe.”
- As I repeated it, I noticed that I was linking money to safety. Clearly, there was a deeper block at play.
- The affirmation naturally shifted to: “It’s okay to have money now. I am safe.”
- This change highlighted that I had an issue with having money in the present. My childhood experiences came flooding back, reminding me of how my father always made me wait for money, creating a belief that money was never available right now.
- The next breakthrough was: “It’s okay for me to have my own money now. I am safe.”
- This indicated a belief that I wasn’t allowed to have my own money, and that I had to depend on others.
- Finally, the affirmation shifted to: “It’s okay for me to have my own money, not just borrowed or loaned.”
- This last change highlighted that as a child, money was never mine—it was always given to me by my father, reinforcing a sense of helplessness and dependency.
Through mindfulness, these beliefs, stemming from childhood, came to the surface, allowing me to rewrite the story I had been living with for decades.
Rewriting Toxic Beliefs
Once these subconscious blocks emerged, I rewrote the affirmations to address the toxic beliefs. Here are the new affirmations:
- “It’s okay for me to have money now, in the present moment, without having to wait.”
- “It’s okay for me to have my own money, not just others.”
- “It’s okay for me to have my own money, not borrowed or loaned.”
Each of these affirmations is designed to dismantle the old, limiting beliefs and to create a new narrative of abundance and agency.
The Origins of Helplessness
Through mindfulness, I realized that the helplessness around money stemmed from childhood. As a child, I had to wait for money, often feeling powerless to access it. This helplessness carried into adulthood, manifesting in the belief that money was something I had to wait for and that I had no control over.
My father would often say, “I don’t know how you’re going to survive when we’re gone because you don’t understand money.” This type of messaging, repeated throughout my childhood, ingrained a sense of fear and inadequacy when it came to finances.
Does any of this resonate with you? I encourage you to reflect on your own childhood experiences with money. What messages did your parents send about finances? What did they model for you? Were there conflicting messages about wealth?
How Mindfulness Helps Break These Patterns
Through mindful awareness, I was able to identify these deep-rooted beliefs and begin the process of rewriting them. Mindfulness gives us the clarity to see beyond the surface, to the core of our subconscious patterns. By doing this work, you too can uncover and dismantle the limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from financial abundance.
Invitation to Join My Soulful Mindfulness Program
Before I conclude, I’d like to personally invite you to join my Soulful Mindfulness Program, which is now open for enrollment. It’s an eight-week program, live on Zoom, designed to help you reconnect with your inner wisdom, reduce stress, and cultivate mindfulness.
Key details:
- Dates: Starting October 5, 2024
- Time: Saturdays, 11 AM – 12:15 PM EST
- Price: $179 for eight sessions (or $298 for two friends joining together)
The program is open to all women, with a special emphasis on welcoming Black and brown women. It’s a safe, nurturing space where you can step away from the chaos of daily life and tune into your inner knowing.
You can register through my website: In the Flow of Magic. I look forward to seeing you in this supportive community!
Final Thoughts
Mindfulness is a powerful tool that can unlock hidden beliefs and help you rewrite the story of your life. If you’ve ever felt helpless around money or any other area of your life, mindfulness might be the key to breaking free. Let me know if this resonates with you, and feel free to share your own experiences in the comments.
Thank you for being here, and until next time, stay in the flow of magic!
The post Mindfulness Breakthrough: Helpless Child Money Block| Ep 117 appeared first on In The Flow of Magic.