In Sixteen Years of Endometriosis
103: Change the Guidelines with Invisible Iconic of Australia
We speak with Alexandra (Alex) Mitchell (she/her) from Australia about the standard of endometriosis care, discussing the Australian movement to Change the Guidelines as well as problems with multiple guidelines worldwide.
Alex is an outspoken advocate in our endometriosis community. Across multiple social media platforms and organizations, she pushes for systemic changes to endometriosis care so that patients can access the gold standard treatment that they need. She also is the creator and host of the Invisible Iconic Podcast, which features discussions with guests on topics related to endometriosis.
INSTAGRAM: @invisibleiconic
PODCAST (on Spotify and Youtube): The Invisible Iconic Podcast
BOOK FEATURE: She contributed historical critiques of Australia and Romania’s standards of healthcare in ‘Good Girl, Bad Period: Breaking the Silence on Misogyny and Gaslighting Through the Lens of Endometriosis’ by Silvia Young