In Sixteen Years of Endometriosis
Latest Episodes
137. Diagnosed with Endo? What We Want You to Know. Part 2, with Sophie Kinloch
Today Amy continues her conversation with Sophie about we want you to know if you are diagnosed with endo. In part 1, we talked about the importance of educating ourselves on endo and the treatment
136. Diagnosed with Endo? What We Want You to Know. Part 1, with Sophie Kinloch
Today Amy speaks with Sophie about we want you to know if you are diagnosed with endo. We talk about: -the importance of educating yourself about this disease -how its vital to inform yourself
135. The Challenges of Managing Endo and Cancer as a Black Person. Part 2: Endo, with Lyssette Horne.
Amy speaks with Lyssette Horne about: -their perspective on the myriad of obstacles endometriosis patients face in receiving adequate care -their personal experience with endometriosis Who is
134. How Low Self-Worth Impacted My Endometriosis Experience
Amy and Brittany talk about how low self-worth has impacted their experience with endometriosis. We talk about: -the untrue stories we told ourselves about our appearance and productivity and the n
133. An Algorithm for Phenotyping and Treating Chronic Pelvic Pain with Dr. Maurice Chung
Today Amy speaks with Dr Maurice Chung about: -the study he co-authored called A Pain Desensitization Algorithm for Phenotyping and Treating Chronic Pelvic Pain -the details of this algorithm
132. The Challenges of Managing Endo and Cancer as a Black Person. Part 1: Cancer, with Lyssette Horne.
Amy speaks with Lyssette Horne about: -their experience with ovarian torsion, skin, and breast cancer. -some of the tools and practices Lyssette used to cope during these difficult times. -th
131. Finding Peace with a Devastating Disease
Listen to 2 chapters from Amys audiobook. In this episode: -Amy briefly shares what her book Finding Peace with a Devastating Disease is about. -Amy shares about the challenges of producing h
130. Consensus on Routine Pelvic Ultrasound for Endometriosis with Dr. Wendaline VanBuren
Amy speaks with Dr Wendaline VanBuren about: the 2024 publication called The Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound Consensus on Routine Pelvic Ultrasound for Endometriosis that Dr. VanBuren was a
129. Navigating the Emotional Storm of Endometriosis with Social Worker Yesenia Villalta
Amy speaks with Yesenia Villalta about: -the stories we tell commonly tell ourselves about our bodies and endometriosis-tips for processing the anger we often feel toward this disease-the importanc
128. Vaginal Estrogen for Vaginal and Urinary Symptoms with Urogynecologist Dr. Jocelyn Fitzgerald
Amy speaks with Dr Jocelyn Fitzgerald about vaginal estrogen. We talk about: -what it is, how its different from systemic estrogen, and what options are available. -the safety information and b