In Sixteen Years of Endometriosis

In Sixteen Years of Endometriosis

Ep80: Exploring Our Beliefs Around Our Personal "Endometriosis Diet"

January 05, 2022

Many of us follow some kind of special way of eating to help reduce our endometriosis pain, fatigue, or flares. This could be an anti-inflammatory diet, the Paleo diet, the AIP, gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, or any other diet. It often involves cutting out specific foods, and it can feel restrictive, limiting, or sad that we no longer eat the foods we love and are accustomed to. As two people each following what’s typically considered a restrictive diet, we talk about some of the limiting beliefs we had, and mindset shifts we made that have helped us to embrace the diets we’ve chosen. This helps us feel more empowered and motivated instead of deprived and resentful. (Important: Diet and lifestyle changes may help manage symptoms, but they cannot cure or treat endometriosis. Your endo can still progress even if you change your diet and no longer experience symptoms.) CONNECT WITH US! INSTAGRAM: @in16yearsofendo WEBSITE AND RESOURCES: LIKE OUR SHOW? Please rate it or leave a review!