In Sixteen Years of Endometriosis

142. Endometriomas with Dr. Abdala Karame
Amy speaks with Dr. Abdala Karame about:
-if endometriomas can be distinguished from cysts in an ultrasound.
-how to treat endometriomas and the evidence available on hormonal suppression and endometrioma recurrence.
-if endometriomas always grow or not.
Who is Dr. Abdala Karame?
Dr. Abdala Karame is a gynecologist obstetrician and specialists in assistive reproductive technology as well as an excision surgeon for endometriosis.
He did his residency in Mexico after studying at the University “La Salle” Mexico. He then spent 8 years in Houston, TX working in the subspeciality of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the Woman’s Hospital of Texas.
He’s a member of various associations and professional societies in Venezuela, Mexico and the US. He’s the founder and director the Medical Center Dr Abdala Karame, in Maracaibo, Venezuela, where he works today focusing on infertility and pain in his patients.
Clickable links at
--Endometriomas. Find all the studies I mentioned here.
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