In Sixteen Years of Endometriosis

In Sixteen Years of Endometriosis

130. Consensus on Routine Pelvic Ultrasound for Endometriosis with Dr. Wendaline VanBuren

October 20, 2024

Amy speaks with Dr Wendaline VanBuren about:

—the 2024 publication called The Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound Consensus on Routine Pelvic Ultrasound for Endometriosis that Dr. VanBuren was a senior author on.

—the goal of the consensus, who participated, and the vision for implementation in the future.

— the difference between a Routine Pelvic ultrasound, Augmented Pelvic ultrasound, and Advanced endometriosis imaging.

Who is Dr. Wendaline VanBuren?

Dr. VanBuren is a board-certified radiologist, Associate Professor and Chair of the Gynecological imaging section at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, USA, with a dedicated interest in Endometriosis. Dr. VanBuren is the senior author on the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound Consensus on Routine Pelvic US for Endometriosis, the Course Director for the 1st International Endometriosis Imaging Congress and one of the founding Course Directors for the Mayo Clinic Gynecological and Breast Imaging course.

On a national level, she co-founded the Disease Focused Panel on Endometriosis for the Society of Abdominal Radiology and was the invited guest editor for the journal Abdominal Radiology Special Edition on Endometriosis. Her ongoing work has been highlighted at a variety of national and international radiology, gynecology and pelvic pain conferences.

Clickable links at

Read the consensus here.

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