I Didn't Know That!

I Didn't Know That!

Latest Episodes

From Godzuki to Godzilla, Let's Make a Devil, God swears to Abraham, Lucifer has fallen and can't get up
November 17, 2009

Lizard Macro-Evolution, Why Make a Devil?, Is the Abrahamic covenant still in effect?, The fall of Lucifer

Sustaining the universe, why diss the mazzaroth?, Close Encounters of the Egyptian Kind, Ross vs. Hitchens?
November 12, 2009

How does God sustain the universe?, why diss the mazzaroth?, pyramids on Mars, debating Christopher Hitchens

Old is the new New, the shape of the universe, Theoretically speaking
November 10, 2009

New Heavens and Earth, Geometry of the Universe, Young Earth and Young Universe Theories

A Telling Time of Two Cities, Did Christians evovle into monkeys or vice versa?, Kids Sin the Darndest Ways, the proofs in the primordial pudding
November 05, 2009

Timing of the first cities, Is it compatible to be a Christian and believe in evolution?, How is the sin nature and salvation applied to children?, Two "independent" lines of evidence for evolution

Evil twin, SBC going AWOL?, evolution's baby's daddy, free grace?
November 03, 2009

Evil in a two-creation model, Negative trend in the Southern Baptist Convention, Common Descent, Universal offer of salvation

Fine-tuned to the last drop?, far-sighted Hubble, enRaptured, universe structure, holy holidays?
October 29, 2009

Fine-tuned amount of water, HST look back time, resources on the rapture, expansion of universe, Christian holy days

Multiverse fender-bender, counting multiverses, evil timing?, your morals, my morals?
October 27, 2009

Multiverse collision theory, how many universes, problem of gratuitous evil, are objective moral values subjective

Rainbow origins, does the devil make nature do it?, hell's future, wishful prophecy?
October 22, 2009

Rainbows and the flood, Satan and natural disasters, fate of hell in new creation, self-fulfilling prophecies

Silent God, fine-tuning fallacies?, changing light speeds?, honey of a carcass
October 20, 2009

God inactive for much of human history, response to fine-tuning arguments, speed of light, why beehive in lion carcass

God and weightlifting, old trees and flood, foolish wisdom teeth?, soulful beginnings
October 15, 2009

Can God make stone so heavy he can't lift, old tree and global flood, why wisdom teeth, origin of souls