I Didn't Know That!

I Didn't Know That!

Latest Episodes

No Christmas in the Bible?, Creation of plants, Civil discussions with YEC's, Lying
December 22, 2009

No Christmas in the Bible?, Creation of plants, Civil discussions with YEC's, Lying

Earth in the dark?, Be kind and rewind time, Circles of the Corn
December 17, 2009

The Earth before the Sun and Moon, Time reversal in the book of Isaiah, Crop Circles

Follow that star, When was the Earth 'Moon'ed?, Take Cain's wife...please, RTB's flood model
December 15, 2009

Star of Bethlehem, Moon formation event, Cain's wife, Reasons to Believe flood model

Dawkin's Giraffe, Never-Ending Multiverse?, How do you say "Imago Dei" in Latin?, Natural Evil
December 10, 2009

Dawkins and giraffes, Infinity and the Multiverse, Language capacity and Imago Dei, Natural evil

Dinesh D'Souza's 'Eye'volution, Noahic bottleneck, Martian Water?, People of Praise
December 08, 2009

Eye evolution and Dinesh D'Souza, Noahic bottleneck, Extraterrestrial origin of water, People of praise

Pork's natural "flu"ver, RTB's model is all wet, Hard-wired brains, Foundations of the Earth
December 03, 2009

Is the swine flu natural?, the Flood and RTB's model, Is the brain hard-wired?, Foundations of the Earth

Bible's recipe for Pi, Evolving Species Today?, Can YE and OE play nice?, Repetitive DNA Repetitive DNA
December 01, 2009

Did the Bible get Pi wrong?, Any newly evolved species today?, Reconciling Young Earth with Old Earth, Repetitive DNA in chimps and humans

BVG Theorem, Gravity-defying Dinosaurs?, LHC Results, Dark Energy Expansion
November 25, 2009

BVG theorem, Gravity's effect on dinosaurs?, LHC results, Does dark energy expand space and time?

Andromeda strained with houseguests, Universal Multiplicity, Inflation, Big Bang or no bang?
November 24, 2009

Andromeda a habitable candidate?, Multiple Multiverses, Inflation a one-time event, Is the Big Bang as solid as RTB claims?

Regions to Believe, Islam's Holey Book, Noah's Ark Dinner Cruise, Tasty Morals
November 19, 2009

Multi-regional hypothesis, Is the Qur'an the word of God?, Carnivorous activity aboard the Ark, Moral Dilemma