IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Illinois' Bad Dream 8.2.11
August 03, 2011

Immigration: An insolvent state hemorrhaging jobs enacts its version of the federal DREAM Act, holding out another carrot to illegal aliens by setting up a college scholarship fund for their children. Illinois' Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn on Monday illustr

Must Defense Bear The Brunt? 8.1.11
August 01, 2011

Spending: A military veteran and freshman congressman says slashing defense as part of a budget deal would be "unconscionable." Providing for the common defense is a constitutional imperative, not discretionary spending. The deal that's being called the

'Painful' Cuts? Anything But 8.1.11
August 01, 2011

Spending: After months of talk about the nation's runaway debt, lawmakers managed to agree on a plan that, at most, will cut spending by a mere 5%. Is it any wonder federal spending is out of control? Some of the reactions to the agreement hammered out b

Tea Party, Fix Your Gaze On 2012 7.29.11
July 30, 2011

Debt Battle: The Tea Party has proved its power — and its principle. Now it's time to declare an imperfect battlefield victory in 2011 and regroup for the more important struggle of defeating President Obama in 2012. Champions of smaller government, lo

What Expansion? 7.29.11
July 30, 2011

Obamanomics: In case you thought the economy was doing better, Friday's report on gross domestic product likely disabused you of that notion. It shows the last two years of economic policymaking have been an utter failure. New data show that the economy

Five Big Debt Debate Lies 7.29.11
July 30, 2011

Transparency: After months of dire warnings about not raising the debt ceiling, the public is still not convinced it's a big deal. Maybe that's because they've been repeatedly lied to about what's at stake. Even with the clock ticking down, twice as many

A Big Welcome To EPA Motors 7.29.11
July 30, 2011

Industrial Policy: It's bad enough that the Obama administration owns GM. Now it's taking over the entire auto industry by imposing a radical fuel economy mandate. Worst still, carmakers are letting them get away with it. You can be sympathetic to the au

Grow Our Way Out 7.29.11
July 30, 2011

Energy Policy: A new study documents a mini-boom caused by the development of the Marcellus Shale formations in Pennsylvania, creating jobs and revenue. Maybe the second rule of holes is that when you're in one, start drilling. While Washington unravels

Russia Is Not Our Friend 7.28.11
July 28, 2011

Russia: U.S. intelligence has apparently concluded that Moscow was behind last September's bombing of the U.S. Embassy in the nation of Georgia. But the Obama administration still thinks Russia is our friend. The more things change, the more they stay th

Crack Vs. Meth 7.28.11
July 28, 2011

Crime: Thousands of crack prisoners are eligible for early release now that the Obama administration has cut their supposedly "racist" sentences. Will meth convicts get the same break? Besides being inconsistent, the U.S. Sentencing Commission's move to