IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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This Too Will Pass 8.4.11
August 04, 2011

Free Fall: The stock market is highly perceptive, and what it's perceiving now is that (1) the mediocre recovery of the last two years is stalling out and (2) our leaders in Washington haven't the vaguest idea of what to do about it. A big part of this p

An Unwelcome Debt Milestone 8.4.11
August 04, 2011

Debt: Quietly, with the debt-ceiling imbroglio behind us, we've entered a new era. And, no, that's not a good thing. Our debt now exceeds the size of our entire economy. Our economy won't be the same. With this correction, the markets have issued a sting

Rogue EPA Targets Ozone — And Jobs 8.3.11
August 03, 2011

Regulation: Unsupported by science, a beleaguered American economy may soon be subject to ozone standards so stringent that Yellowstone National Park could not meet them. Look forward to double-digit unemployment. While the nation focused on the debt cei

The Real 'Uniters' 8.3.11
August 03, 2011

Governance: During the debt-ceiling debate, the Tea Party was called everything from cannibals to terrorists. In reality, the Tea Party did far better at getting bipartisan results than the "Post-Partisan Uniter," President Obama. In just the last few da

No Way To Treat A Dictator 8.3.11
August 03, 2011

Rule Of Law: What does it say about the prospects for democracy in Egypt when its military rulers put former dictator Hosni Mubarak, caged and on a gurney, through a show trial? Very little, if history is any guide. The Arab world is cringing with appreh

Editorial: Can We Stop China’s Cyber Attacks? 8.3.11
August 03, 2011

Defense: America has been under nearly continuous attack for five years, yet we've heard nary a peep about it. The reason? The attack is conducted by computers, not arms. Is this an act of war? And, if so, who's behind it? A new report from the Californi

Heading For A Double-Dip Recession? 8.2.11
August 03, 2011

Recession: A day after purchasing managers reported an "unexpected" slump in manufacturing, another surprise report shows consumer spending falling for the first time in nearly two years. Double dip, anyone? Despite the largest Keynesian spending splurge

Doing Well In D.C. 8.2.11
August 03, 2011

Budget Impact: When you pump $3.6 trillion through one part of the country, a lot of that money invariably spills out. So it's no wonder that metropolitan Washington, D.C., residents are terrified of spending cuts. If the house organ of big government â€

Next Time, Try Real Reform 8.2.11
August 03, 2011

Health Care: Wasn't the spending curve supposed to bend down? Isn't that what we were promised when the president and his party set out to maul our medical care system. So why will spending double by 2020? Congress needed to pass the Democrats' health ca

Beware The 'Supercommittee' 8.2.11
August 03, 2011

Budget Policy: Congress' debt-ceiling deal kicked the can over to a special bipartisan "supercommittee" that will make big decisions on spending cuts and taxes. Will that panel be top-heavy with liberals? There is a lot to fear from the establishment of