

H-Hour #219 Prof. Jo Neill

January 08, 2024

Join the H-Hour community today on Discord: https://discord.gg/ncFRpvTkjX ***** This conversation explores the field of psychopharmacology and the potential of psychedelics in treating mental health disorders. The guest, Jo Neill, a professor of psychopharmacology, discusses the definition and scope of psychopharmacology, the effects of psychedelics on the brain, and the challenges in drug discovery for mental health. The conversation highlights the need for alternative approaches to mental health treatment and the potential of psychedelics to heal individuals. The safety and long-lasting effects of psychedelics are also discussed, along with the concept of microdosing and blinding in clinical trials. Prof. Jo Neill emphasizes the promising substances of psilocybin and DMT in treating mental health conditions. This conversation explores the healing potential of psychedelics for trauma and mental health. The chapters cover topics such as understanding and facing trauma, the healing power of psychedelics, the default mode network and trauma, switching off the default mode network, reconnecting with childhood and healing, personal experiences with psychedelics, the positive impact and perception shift, challenges and legalization, clinical trials and MDMA for PTSD, the need for drug law reform, and how to support psychedelic medicine.

Jo is also a co-host of the excellent Drug Science podcast, available on all common podcast apps.   Source link here: https://www.drugscience.org.uk/drug-science-podcast/