Reexamining Cloud-Only Strategies: Weighing Cloud versus On-Prem Solutions for Health Systems’ Evolving Needs
As health systems increasingly rely on AI and advanced analytics to drive insights, some are discovering new complexities in a cloud-only infrastructure. Pulling data from multiple systems to power AI initiatives can increase operational costs, as AI’s demand for high computing cycles can drive up cloud expenses. For some, this has eroded the cost savings that originally justified the cloud transition. Others, however, contend that costs can be contained by how you structure the deal, and say it's important to realize that the storage of data which is essentially put in long-term parking is cheaper than that which must be continually accessed and moved around. In this webinar, healthcare IT leaders will discuss the future of the cloud and whether a balance of cloud/on-premise models is the way to go. We’ll explore how health systems are optimizing their infrastructure to balance costs, data accessibility, and performance. Join us for insights on how to navigate the challenges of AI, data integration, and cloud costs.
Source: Reexamining Cloud-Only Strategies: Weighing Cloud versus On-Prem Solutions for Health Systems’ Evolving Needs on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.