Heal Nourish Grow Podcast

Heal Nourish Grow Podcast

Algae: How this Superfood Helps Protect Your Mitochondria for Greater Health

August 10, 2022

Catharine Arnston is the founder and CEO of EnergyBits, the first premium algae company in the world. They value quality and focus on educating others on algae as a vital superfood and why you should be using algae for health benefits.

When her sister was diagnosed with cancer, Catharine started doing some serious research. The oncologist recommended she change her diet to an alkaline diet to prepare for chemo. Unfortunately, neither sister had any knowledge of this so Catharine did extensive research on alkaline foods. She learned a lot about plant-based nutrition and health benefits. After leaning more, she wanted to make the world a better place by sharing the benefits of algae and an alkaline diet. This desire drove her to change her career route and go back to school for nutrition.

Algae for Health Benefits

She learned algae is the most alkaline, plant-based nutrient-dense food. In Asia, it’s been used for fifty years as a health and longevity supplement. Spirulina and Chlorella have a long list of benefits in addition to being keto friendly. They contain approximately 64 percent protein, 40 vitamins/minerals and zero carbohydrates. They put it into a tablet form at her company to make this superfood more accessible. The tablet makes it shelf stable, effortless, vegan and safe for anyone.

Listen in to learn more about how Spirulina and Chlorella affect the mitochondria (the energy powerhouse of our cells) by protecting them for greater health and energy. The compressed pill form makes taking algae for health benefits easy.

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