Heal Nourish Grow Podcast

Heal Nourish Grow Podcast

Eyes: The Window to Health and Early Diabetes Detection: 34

June 29, 2022

In this week’s episode, Dr. Kerry Gelb shares his journey of working on his documentary, Open Your Eyes, which shines a spotlight on the relationship between diabetes and eyesight. After conducting pilot studies, he discovered there was a link between and insulin resistance. Unfortunately, there are many eye problems with diabetes. Vascular as well as other diseases could be diagnosed sooner using the eye as a source of information. The eye can now be seen as the window to your health. 

As Dr. Gelb traveled to film his documentary, he was able to learn more about the relationship between diet and eye diseases. Those who ate more unprocessed food and spent more time in the sun were seen to develop macular diseases of the eye at a lower rate. He spoke with experts regarding different relationships between insulin resistance and eye health. 

After diving deeper into learning about the eyes from a different perspective, Dr. Gelb filmed this documentary to share his insights and knowledge with the general public as well as shine a spotlight on the importance of eye health.

He also shared the 20/20 rule, blue-light filtering glasses, importance of sun exposure and much more.

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drkerrygelb
Website: http://drkerrygelb.com
Open Your Eyes Movie: https://openyoureyes2020.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/drkerrygelb
Open Your Eyes With Dr.Kerry Gelb (Podcast): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/open-your-eyes-with-dr-kerry-gelb/id1505368923
Retinal Imaging: https: //www.webmd.com/eye-health/what-is-retinal-imaging
OCT Angiography: https://eyewiki.aao.org/Optical_Coherence_Tomography_Angiography

Automated transcript, please forgive errors.

Cheryl McColgan: Hey everyone, welcome back to the heel nurse grow podcast. I am really excited to share my guess I say that every time, but I am always really tied to share my guest with you because I think we’re gonna have a really awesome conversation today with Dr. Bell about eye health. And he has been working for the last several years on the documentary that we’re going to discuss in detail, and then also of special interest to my audience specifically, is he does some work with eye health and diabetes, and so… You know, I don’t like to get too doom and gloom with these things, but my gosh, if saving your site isn’t a good enough reason to work on your metabolic health, I don’t know what is… So anyway, all that said, Welcome, you can share a little bit about yourself beyond what I just said Beyond with in your bio, how you got into being passionate about eye health and what led you to spend two years of your life traveling around the world to make this documentary.

Dr. Kerry Gelb: We thank you for having me. I’m so excited that our documentary is called Open your eyes is now on Amazon Prime, Apple TV, iTunes, Google Play YouTube, movies and documentaries. And I think people realize that the eyes are important, but they don’t realize the connection between the I and systemic disease. So the purpose of making the movie is to have the population, the public at large, realized that through the eye, we could diagnose disease much sooner than a lot of times they could be diagnosed from going to internists, all your family practice, especially when we’re dealing with vascular disease, because when we look into the eye, we could see 10 Mike grounds or less, so we can see the capillaries, the really small capillaries, so as you know, capillaries go from your toe up into your brain, and we could tell a lot by looking at the capillaries in the eye, in fact, you mentioned diabetes a number of years ago, when I got this special camera to image the blood muscles in the back of the Ithaca Aries, I would see these little power chains. And at the beginning, we didn’t know what it was.

Dr. Kerry Gelb: And then, but because I’m very interested in functional medicine, and I’ve been until a lot of the FM conferences and I spent a lot of time taking lectures from Mark Houston, who you might have heard of, was an integrative cardiologist and vascular disease, I put two into it together, and I realized it was probably those were micro aneurysms and they were cared for insulin resistance, so we did a pilot study to see of these micro-aneurysms were related to insulin resistance, and sure enough, when we did fasting insulin labs and two-hour insulin, they correlated very well with micro-anglers, and so by looking in the eye, we could see if you’re on the spectrum, if you have this type of camera, if we could see if you have these micro-aneurysms and if you’re on the spectrum of diabetes or either very early before you get diabetes. So nutrition could be recommended lifestyle change, if we see these micro-aneurysms or whether, unit, you have Frank diabetes, based on the current way of diagnosing fasting blood sugar over 125 or A1C at 65 and above, so I… Labs are looking in the eye, we could see close to 300 systemic diseases, the eye is very complex, so from the front of the eye, even looking at the eyelids, all the way back to the optic, nor of the eye and the movement of the eyes.

Dr. Kerry Gelb: There’s a lot of different diseases from auto-Amini, the vascular disease, and we can see by looking at the eyes, so the eye is, as they always say, is the window to your soul, but really, now that the technology is so good for the eye doctors is becoming the window to your health.

Cheryl McColgan: That is absolutely fascinating, I’ve never heard this thing you call the micro-aneurysms, is gonna get that right.

Dr. Kerry Gelb: Right. The little tiny aneurysms in the cabin, little outpacing that we could see it, and it’s because the insulin is causing the blood to actually cat a little bit and sludge you a little bit.

Cheryl McColgan: Wow, that is… And again, I know is I hate to get so dim and gloom with some of this health stuff sometimes, but it’s such a frustration to me as a person who focuses on all the stuff and tries to help people get over their sugar addiction and at least start moving towards a version that can help get their blood sugars under control is I think a lot of people, a lot of doctors, and particularly not eye doctors necessarily with traditional doctors, they kind of slug over, they might see somebody’s… Their blood sugars in going up over the years and getting to that point where maybe it’s like, Hey, maybe I should say something, but it doesn’t seem like they do, or they don’t tell you these very real consequences to letting it go on like, Okay, you’re getting these micro-aneurysms now, but if you like keep going, buying this might be down the road of my… Again, not to be so Deming bloom, but… That’s a pretty bad outcome.

Dr. Kerry Gelb: Well, I think what happens is, because of the standard American diet, the SAD diet, and most people have insulin resistance. And the doctors are like, Well, this is kind of the new normal. Everybody is pre-diabetic, or at least 50% of the population… Last time they did the study is either pre-diabetic or a diabetic, it’s more than 50%. So I think the doctors, instead of telling you every other patient you know, you have all these problems and they say, Well, all those way do they actually are diabetic, then start treating them, but of course, obviously, the doctors find that they don’t have time and they have to work with the patients that are real sick, but the bottom line is, if you could prevent people from becoming diabetic and you could save not only their eyes but get… Saving them from having cardiovascular disease and cancers, all the things that high insulin and high sugar case, before the sugar goes up, what happens is insulin goes up first and the person becomes internal resistance and elevated insulin is just as dangerous as elevated blood sugar. It just happens, it just happens for… So the doctor is just so busy taking care of the sick patients, it’s like they don’t have time to take care of the people that are kinda getting sick, and if you look at the money spend, the 75% of the dollars are spent on people that are already sick that have preventable disease, but only 3% of the dollars are spent on preventing disease, and of course, you and me and people involved in functional medicine wanna change that because we wanna see if we could prevent people from being sick, but of course it’s so complex, ’cause there’s so much lifestyle, it’s diet and stress, it’s exercise, it’s so much involved in it, but it’s really…

Dr. Kerry Gelb: It’s simple, but it’s not easy.

Cheryl McColgan: Yeah, and I think to just clarify your point and have so many good things that you mentioned there about the insulin, and for people that aren’t as familiar with this, it’s funny, a lot of people outside of functional medicine really won’t order fasting in the salon, but it’s actually, a very easy, inexpensive test, I have a source where I go Lab, I think it’s like 29 and they throw in HVAC too. It’s not super expensive. Now, I realize not everybody might have the next year, 30 just been on your health, but if you are worried about that, it’s a test that you can get easily enough… And I can put that link in the show notes. And then the second thing that you said is that the problem with our healthcare system, right, doctors only have maybe 10 minutes with their patient, and so if you’re doing okay and you’re not diabetic yet, then yeah, I can see how that system release… And this is nothing new to people that on this podcast before we talk about this, but I love that people like yourself and other people more involved in functional medicine are starting to see this and starting to make changes.

Cheryl McColgan: But before we move on to talk about your documentary stuff, I did just wanna go back to one question that I had when you mentioned that a special camera, if people would like to be able to seek out a doctor that has this… Could you say the name of it and how they might find out if that’s something there, because it sounds like you could get all sorts of wonderful health insights with your regular eye exam.

Dr. Kerry Gelb: Right, so you wanna ask for a retinal imaging or OCT and geography, those are the tests that could pick up the micro-aneurysms…

Cheryl McColgan: Okay, I have to call my eye doctor immediately is really interested in this, and she does have some specialty equipment, but I’m not sure if that’s one… Anyway, back to your documentary, so you actually spent at least two years is what I send your bio traveling from 2017 to 2019 to make this Tom, first of all, I’m curious. I’m jealous that you got to travel all around to do that for work, but often work travel is not as fun as some people will know, and… So where did you go? What were you trying to find out? Who were you talking to? What are all of the things that were involved in that two-year period?

Dr. Kerry Gelb: So yeah, so we were in Costa… We were in Costa Rica and the COA, so that was one of my favorite places because we got to work with the centenarians, and we wanted to see the centenarians why they’re living so long and how it affects their eyes, and I think any of the same eye diseases that we’re getting in the West, and the main eye disease that we see for blind is over the age of 55, is macular degeneration, and what we found is that these people are living over 100, but they’re not in immaculate the generation because they’re living… They’re eating real food, the… They have their fluid from the… Or they have a chicken that there, and the slaughtering a chicken once in a while and growing different types of vegetables, and so most of the food that they are all the food that they’re living in the jungle, the food that they’re eating is obviously food that is totally far into us because it’s totally non-processed… So because of that, they’re living longer. Another thing is that they spend all day out in the sun, they don’t have a air conditioning and what we have on the top there, and they’re in the sun getting sun, and we’re always told by dermatology to stay out of the sun ’cause we’re gonna get skin cancer, and here are all these people living out in the sun, obviously, they get…

Dr. Kerry Gelb: It’s gradual where they get this son’s not gonna go out in the sun for 14 hours day one, but then they get used to it and the sun is very narrow. Sinjar Cruz, who’s in the film, has talked a lot about the importance of the sun, I was also in Canada, and we talked to Jason Fung, who Jason Fung has made fasting very popular, and he’s an expert on insulin resistance, and speaking to him, it was really terrific. We were in Budapest when we talked about myopia control and why the kids in the cities are becoming myopia near side where they need glasses to see distance, but they’re not getting it in the rural areas, so about four times more common in the cities than in the role areas, because they’re not looking at cell phones and digital devices, and they’re spending time outside, as we know from Milpitas, a decrease the rate you gotta be outside, and of course, the digital devices increase the risk of becoming your site that was throughout the United States. And interviewed Jeffrey Smith about gmos and Terry Gillam about go. So we kinda try to tie everything together, and it really was a fantastic journey, and certainly as a doctor, I learned a lot as well, interviewing all these famous physicians, and it certainly was a lot of fun and people that have seen the movie, they really like the movie, it’s entertaining in sin, we call it scientific to payment, and it’s good for all ages.

Dr. Kerry Gelb: We have something in the kids cousins animation in the film, a little bit, so the kids kinda like that, and then we have the centenarians… So the seniors like it. So we have something for everybody. And of course, it’s a lot about nutrition and health and trying to improve wellness…

Cheryl McColgan: Yeah, which is my favorite topic, and I can’t wait to actually watch the time I wanted to do it before we met, but it happened kinda quickly and she scheduled me right away, which was awesome, but then at the same time I’m like, Oh, I didn’t get to watch it up. But that’s on my list of to-do things. And for everybody listening, it should be on your list as well, because some of the people and things that you just mentioned in that film, I think are going to be so amazing. The one thing I wanted to revisit, because this has been a topic that’s kind of hot in the health and wellness space lately, is the… You mentioned about getting some on your skin because that’s our biggest source of vitamin D, which is a huge protective factor from things such as viruses, and I won’t go into further detail about that, but getting real sun on your skin without sun block is very important. And recently, I’ve become more aware that getting sun on your eyes is really important for Circadian Rhythm, I have lied, yes, I get headaches really easy, so I’ve always been a person to wear sunglasses in the sun just to kind of protect my eyes, ’cause that’s what we were always taught, but more recently, when I go outside, I’m trying to spend at least a half an hour to an hour outside without some glasses on, just to help reset circadian rhythms, and also maybe there’s possibly other benefits that you could speak to on a commentary on that first thing with the sign, and also you get increased Nitro oxide from the sign because it’s vasodilation, it’s very good for the…

Dr. Kerry Gelb: But the best time to get the sun is to get the morning sign as soon as the sun who’s rising to… Because the melatonin is made in the morning, and then at night is when the melatonin is released, so the blue light actually helps make the melatonin, it gets stored and then release that night, so certainly going out in the morning without sunglasses for an hour or so… Absolutely, there’s nothing wrong with that. And infrared, whether it’s on the skin or where it’s coming from, it’s about 42-43% of the rays of the sun, and it’s very healing. And when the blue light is coming into a setting, the Circadian re-rhythm, that is certainly very important to help people sleep.

Dr. Kerry Gelb: One of the things that I do is I always drive with my son roof down just to try to get some direct so on if I wasn’t able to be out of the sun that day.

Cheryl McColgan: No, those are some great tips. And I just wanna mention that I just had a little technical glitch on my side, but when I came back, you were still talking, so I’m hoping that all of that got recorded, but if not, I’ll do my best to tell people and in the middle… But we were talking about the effects of sunlight on Circadian Rhythm, which is really important, the other thing that I think that was interesting that you mentioned in traveling around for this thing, first of all, it reminded me of western price, and I don’t know if you’re definitely familiar with his name, I’m sure, but for people that don’t know, look him up, really interesting. He was a dentist, he kinda did the same thing, traveled around and tried to learn from Indigenous cultures about why they weren’t experiencing all these teeth issues, and it’s funny to me that doctors that are focused on one specific area of health are the ones that end up really illuminating all of this extra stuff that we didn’t know before, like you were talking about with the vision and being able to see the Micro-aneurysms, but what about the kids with the men, as soon as you said the people, they’re watching some video, this thing, this device in my hand has so many negatives for health and apparently eyesight being one of them.

Cheryl McColgan: I’ve also read some people talk about how it’s affecting posture and cervical spine issues from people looking at their phones all the time, what was it about being able to do it there? I think you said that might have been progress RICA. Oh, cost, what was it about that area that allowed you to… When going back to the kids in the eyesight or even the centenarians also, how were you able to distinguish that that was exactly it with the urban versus the country, I would assume kids in the country still have some of that, or are they just too busy doing chores or why wasn’t that? The same.

Dr. Kerry Gelb: For them, I think in the country, they just can… I think it’s more economics, they just can’t really afford the digital devices or otherwise they would have it… It’s been there two and a half years to make the film and getting the film out because of the pandemic, so then I took a little bit to… Things may be a little bit different, but they do… Most of them did not have any kind of digital device or a cell phone, and they’re outside playing soccer, and they’re doing the things that I wish our kids would do when I was a kid, my mother used to yell at me, come in and stop playing outside, now we’re yelling at the kids go outside and it’s like, get off the computer games, and when it went out before, you know, I got a little distracted, but I wanted to say there’s a separate… Is a separate pathway in the eye, it’s called the scene, and we have the Vision pathway, and then we have this SEM, which is part of the cicada rhythm, and that’s what happens when we go outside and we’re exposed to the bull light to go through to…

Dr. Kerry Gelb: This Nath way to help make the melatonin, but to go back… To go back to Costa Rica, but when we were in the city and San Jose, the kids did have digital devices and they were in… About 40% of them were my operator site compared to about 12-13% in the very rural areas where we were filming.

Cheryl McColgan: This, any practical advice that you can give? As far as, I’m assuming just taking a break instead of looking at these things so frequently, but I haven’t noticed that I work on the computer all day, I write and I do this stuff, and I’m very bad about taking breaks to where I think you’re supposed to look at somewhere else and focus your eyes on something far, something near… Any practical advice on how often that should be done, and can we really counteract the negatives of these devices that are like… Are lifeline in the day?

Dr. Kerry Gelb: Yeah, we talk about this in the film, we use something called the 20-20-20 rule, every 20 minutes, look greater than 20 feet for 20 seconds and stand up. So I tell my patients Every 20 minutes, we go stand up, look out the window, because sitting too long on the eye bones connected to the to bone, and it’s also very bad for your heart, you can increase your risk of having a heart attack by sitting all day in this study is to show that so every 20 minutes you gotta stand up, look out them when they… You give you Rosa break because you get this digital device syndrome where your eyes are getting very tired, you’re looking at blue light, you’re looking at blue light, and it’s just like when you’re outside in the sun, you’re getting a wide spectrum of life, so when you’re looking at the violets, it’s always 12-12 moon. That’s when it’s like you’re looking at 12 noon. So if you’re looking at digital devices, many people, especially at night, it’s gonna keep them up and not gonna be able to sleep, because it keeps them because it messes what the rhythm…

Dr. Kerry Gelb: Like we were speaking about before.

Cheryl McColgan: Right, and that’s one thing that most devices… Now, I used to have a program on my Mac called flux here at sunrise and sunset, shift to read. And what I’ve done since then is just because the proliferation of all of these devices, I have all of my devices just to block it all the time, so it’s just kind of funky red hue, but I’ve just gotten used to it and I’m fine with me ’cause I wanna just not affect my circadian with negatively in that way.

Dr. Kerry Gelb: And I think that’s really good, and there’s also a blue and there’s also filtering glasses, blue filtering classes that you could get when you’re looking at the computer all day to help filter out some of those raise and we know that it definitely helps with sleep and a lot of people… Now, there’s some controversy, does it help with eye strain? You know, I think it does. But it’s about 50-50. Some people who does. Some people does. And does it help? Decrease the risk of macular degeneration. ’cause that was a big selling point. And I leave in Europe, and the company that was making those claims got themselves into trouble, but there may be some truth to that, and we won’t know for many, many years, but in lab and some rodents is indicating that there could be some damage to some of the cells in the back of the eye from staring at these blue like computers all day, but again, we’re not gonna know what’s gonna happen until we have some more studies and… It’s kind of a controversial topic, but I do have to say that when I have a patient that is early macular degeneration, I recommend they do have to loiter and lenses because it’s not gonna hurt them and it may help…

Cheryl McColgan: Yeah, and it’s such an easy thing to do. And I also have a great resource for that, actually, it’s a gentleman you might wanna connect with at some point, really interesting background, and he is very specific on making his lenses to really… It’s not an Amazon product away.

Dr. Kerry Gelb: Just put it that way, ’cause I think there’s varying qualities of these things, but I feel like the two of you might need to connect at some point as the computer in 455 anime. So you really have to know the lens, what it’s absorbing, is it absorbing it, 4-55 or is it just absorbing it 400 or up to 430, but you’re not getting the 455, then you’re not really getting the benefit that you need.

Cheryl McColgan: Right. And that makes perfect sense ’cause you’re gonna wear them anyway, you might as well make sure that they’re effective for what you’re actually trying to prevent with the macular degeneration. Do you have any specific other tips, whether it’s nutrition, whether it’s exercise or anything that people can do… I was stunned by that staff that you threw out something about how many people and getting it relatively young, starting at age 15, what can we be doing to help with that?

Dr. Kerry Gelb: Yeah, so macular degeneration is a leading cause of lines, and there’s a lot that we could do to decrease our risk of macular degeneration, so the first thing is you wanna get your eyes examined to see if you have any early signs, is a family history, and even if you don’t have early sciences, a special diet you can go on, and there’s certain supplements that you could take to decrease your risk, so the first… Let me start with the supplements, because that’s easy, but supplements or supplements, you wanna supplement with diet, but Lieutenant and and mesosa, very, very important to decrease your risk of macular degeneration is a very good product called Machel th, which will help, which has those three in it, and depending on how well you absorb the lieutenant and the misuse, then you can decrease your risk, there are studies to show, depending on how well you absorb it, if you’re absorbed really well, you could decrease the risk of macular degeneration over 90% with the exact routine in the 70s, and by taking the combination of Lucena Anthony Messenger together, it’s a synergistic effect, vitamin D has been studies with over 77000 people to show if you can get your vitamin D in the protective level over 50 nanograms per ml, it’s probably the magic number, you could decrease the rest by over about 40% Omega-3 fish oil, taking fish oil.

Dr. Kerry Gelb: Good quality omega 3 could decrease about… About 40%. Exercise decreases somewhere around 40, around 40%. So there’s a lot of things that you could do now, of course, you wanna eat foods that are high in routine, Zionist, and there’s really not a lot of foods with that, so your body, we need to convert routine to Miss Ant, which is dead center in the macula, which is a part we call the phobia to his measles anteater than Zant and there’s low team, so we want to look out to be able to convert to miss that unfortunately, is a percent… A small percentage of people, the different studies, maybe about 10-15% of the people that have trouble converting from a lack of enzyme, so that’s why I like that supplement that has the three in it, but the foods that contain Lupino call College greens eggs. The dark green leafy, dark green leafy vegetables, orange and yellow peppers, Santa has some of those in that also, but the best finish something called go-givers, so you’re probably being in the whole field of Heracles are very popular Asia for health, but it’s actually very…

Dr. Kerry Gelb: It looks like I dry it out, it looks like a raising a red reason and it’s sweet and eating it with maybe some rocket cow and some coconut and so much, you could actually make a nice Trail Mix and… Nuts also have been shown to decrease your risk of macular degeneration, but the goguryeo, very high in Zaman, also Verano as has more vitamin seven and the oranges, and then you wanna eat… Then you wanna eat a diet of real food, you know, want he processed food, 63% of the American diet is process full with inflammatory or oils. And you talked about Weston Price before, a good friend of mine, Chris canopies, and ophthalmologist actually gave up being an eye doctor to really study ancestral diets and how it affects the eye, and he’s very interested right now. Him and Dr. Macola writing a book together, I understand on inflammatory oils, but then is the sugar and the process grains and the transports, so all these things are make up 63% of the American diet, which is a processed food diet, so you wanna get rid of all the processed foods, you’re obviously smoking an increase a risk of macular degeneration three to four times, I think most people know that smoking is bad for them, and it seems like there’s less people smoking now, obviously, if people have a big belly, their insulin resistant…

Dr. Kerry Gelb: They had that big belly of the two times greater risk of having maculata and Hiccups also to double the risk of cataracts and macular generation and transact is are three times. So again, we wanna eat foods with omega 3s, we wanna be in an anti-inflammatory kinda Paleo-type diet, there’s a reason our teeth on the way they are, so that’s the grass-fed meat or organic turkey and chicken, mostly planned-based 31 vegetables to fruits. You wanna drink? We wanted to make sure we are hydrated, I did a great podcast with general police and border, but we wanna make sure if we can structure them, wanna add some frozen blueberries through the water so the word gets more Jolie and we could absorb it a little bit better. So we wanna… Ismaili generation is an inflammatory disease. So we wanted things that decrease in inflammation, just like almost all chronic diseases come from inflammation, and we’re finding that good health, you know the microbiome plays a role in Macarena ion. I had a great intern on my podcast with alessio Fasano, I interviewed him, and we haven’t played it yet, but we’re gonna play that soon again, a vitamin D3 with K2, of course, because you don’t wanna be three alone because of the increase in vitamin D getting vitamin D over 50 nanograms and all those, a lot of great things from decreasing the risk of cancer and hypertension and diabetes, but also raises, we don’t want that cousin to go in the blood vessels, so by combining it with vitamin K-2 can redirect the calcium into the right places, and as I mentioned, exercise.

Dr. Kerry Gelb: And so also, there’s a lot of things we could do to decrease our risk, and of course, generics examined looking for these little spots in the macula called Ruslan, which is these and little inflammatory markers to show that the tissue in the back of the eye is breaking down and it may increase your risk, and it will most likely increase your risk of dindigul generation when you get older, so depending on how you define Maguire generation, even in optometry and ophthalmology, it’s a macular degeneration once you lose your vision or when you have… Does these little ruse… We have different classifications, but the bottom line is, if you take the proper supplements, you eat the proper foods, you can really low your risk of getting macular degeneration.

Cheryl McColgan: I think that… Thank you for all these really concrete tips that people can put into action immediately between the supplements… Between the way that you eat. And I think the beautiful thing is that most of those supplements that you mentioned, most of the practices that you mentioned are all things we all need to be doing for greater health anyway, everybody that’s heard this podcast for a term, you talk about all of the things for the most part. So I’m glad to hear that at least the things that we’re doing for our health for the most part, I’m sure there are some instances but are not in conflict with each other, what you’re doing to get metabolically healthy is going to help keep your eyes… Healthy is gonna help keep your arteries healthy, so it’s all wonderfully related, and just getting yourself to create those and you have it is really the challenge for most people…

Dr. Kerry Gelb: No, I was gonna say, when I talk to patients, I’m surprised because patients always want to know what they can do from a nutrition point of view to help the help, many doctors and… And they’re not gonna do it anyway, they’re not interested, but are patients are interested in a dry eye macular generation diabetes, they’re all nutrition-related. And the things that we deal with a lot, and over the last, I don’t know, 10 years, I have always… Do you want me to teach you the Quito the disease, or you want me to just give me a drug in and let’s call it a day at the co, treat the symptoms rather than just treating the cars, and I’ve only had one person tell me, not just give me the drug, don’t want… Care about what? Casey dry eyes.

Cheryl McColgan: Yeah, I don’t know if doctors give us enough credit, sometimes people always say that to me, I’ve been in… I’ve been low car, I started with low carbon and I went to keto, and it’s been over five years for Keto, over six years for low carb, and if people always say it’s not sustainable and like I just… I’m like, I don’t understand what you’re talking about. It’s perfectly stable, but it does require a mindset shift, it does require some habit changes, and that for me, and being from a psychology background, I understand that that’s quite often the most challenging part to get over, so people know what they need to do it, but creating those new habits to support that is a whole different thing and probably a longer discussion for different to… I wanted to make sure we were… We go about your podcast, I did have one other very selfish question for you, and it’s something that I only recently learned about because another podcaster, Dr. Paul Saladin said he had been using these contacts at night, and so that he gets up on the day and He goes surfing and his visions great all day, and he just puts in contact at night.

Cheryl McColgan: And I was thinking like, Why have I never heard of this before? But then I read your bio and you mentioned it right there, maybe I just feel like a lot of people don’t know about this, and it could be something that is… I don’t know if they’re necessarily healthier in a way, or if they just improve… I think I’ve definitely improved my quality of life, I just love to hear your thoughts on those since it’s something that you work with…

Dr. Kerry Gelb: I assume he’s going on. Okay, so he’s probably near side, so he sleeps with these contact lenses at night and it gently reshape his eye and then he takes them off in the morning, and now he’s not your side any more, and he could see instead of doing LASIK and removing a tissue, it’s just moving a tissue into a mold and moving into the side, and because by doing that, it’s changing the refractive ever, and I certainly do a lot of orthodoxy with kids because it decreases the risk of them becoming their… Sordid slows it down up to about 70% of the progression of near side, and so we could catch the kids early, we start them on off, okay. And we could decrease the progression of myopia, so that’s probably… What he’s doing, he’s doing north. Okay, so he’s near side, he’s sleeping with the lenses and to reshape his eye to decrease is my opiate during the day.

Cheryl McColgan: Interesting, I’d never heard of that, so thank you for adding some further description to that now, before we move along, I want to… So you kind of shared briefly where the movie is available and maybe you could revisit that, where people can find you, are you active on any social channels, and of course, the podcast people will definitely wanna check that out. I think it’s also kind of a broad health and wellness similar to this show, and your last thing that you’re on, some alternative kinds of media channels where you discuss some things that we shouldn’t talk about on YouTube, but if anybody is interested in that sort of thing, and if you hear this, you’ll know what I’m talking about, I want them to know where to find you there as well, so that was a lot of stuff, but… Hopefully, you can do all together.

Dr. Kerry Gelb: Yeah, so again, our movie is on Amazon Prime, Apple TV, iTunes, Google Play, and if you go to YouTube, movies and documentaries, you can watch it there, again, we’ve been getting some great reviews, so I think people really love that. It’s called Open your eyes, the name of the movie is open neuritis. And then I have a podcast called Open Your Eyes with Dr. Carrie Eben, YouTube, and all of the podcasts that… Spotify, SoundCloud, all the typical podcast places where you find podcasts, and about half of my podcasts have to do with the eye, and we interview optometrist, ophthalmologists and vision scientists, and we do Ray topics from sports vision. So if there’re people out there who were very interested in where it’s sports FedEx, when they play baseball, attends, you can improve your ability to place forty doing certain exercises to exercise your eye with people, and we have experts, the biggest exerts on sports vision. And then we have typical contact lenses and experts in glaucoma and myopia had to decrease your risk of myopia, so we have all types of different experts in the icefield, and then I interview people in functional medicine, and I’ve gotten the interview some of the greats such as Dale Britten, who wrote The End of the Alzheimer’s and draconian cardiologists.

Dr. Kerry Gelb: And so we’ve been… General police, I’ve interviewed him with Warner, which was some of the great interviews. So I have a lot of great interviews on that, and then of course, I have on some alternative media, where we talk a little bit about some… I have a podcast where we talk about some things that are more controversial, which really shouldn’t be controversial, but we do, and I have some very amazing guests that everybody is part of them if they watched Joe Rogan.

Cheryl McColgan: Okay, awesome. Well, and I don’t… It’s funny, I want people to really just hear this, is that in this space, in this health space, and then in a lot of the stuff that we talk about with bio-hacking and these alternative diets that are more meat-based carnivores, these sorts of things, and things in relation to the pandemic, which I don’t think there’s any further need to elaborate on that, but people are legitimately Getting sensor from YouTube and Instagram, I have seen it myself personally, people that I follow in the health space, and it’s really sad to me that we’re losing our ability to question a scientist, if you’re a scientific-minded person or you are an actual science, part of your job is to question the status quo and to question what information is being put out in the world, and all of a sudden, all of that is getting taken away, and I really worry for our freedom of speech, so when you see these things or when you hear these things, we should all be more aware of it and certainly more… Just letting people know that it is happening and it’s not a conspiracy, you’re kind of thing.

Cheryl McColgan: It’s legitimately happening. So anyway, I am glad you’ve found some platforms where you can continue to discuss these things and continue to learn from people without fear of it being taken down, so anyway, did you say the actual name to this… I can add it to the show notes, but the names of the places they can find you.

Dr. Kerry Gelb: A bit short and bride.

Cheryl McColgan: I don’t even know about either one of those yet, so obviously I need to get on there, but I just wanna thank you so much for sharing your time today, you’re obviously a very busy man with some amazing projects going on, and I appreciate you taking the time to share this with my listeners, thank you so much and I hope to talk to you again in the future and keep up with what you’re doing.

Dr. Kerry Gelb: Well, thank you so much for having me. I appreciate it. You’re a… Well.

Cheryl McColgan: You too.

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Butcher Box, Clean Meat to Your Doorstep: https://bchrbox.co/HealNourishGrow
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Links to All of My Favorite Products With Discounts: https://healnourishgrow.com/shop
Nutrisense Continuous Glucose Monitor, code HNG20 for discount:https://www.nutrisense.io
My favorite electrolytes: https://hng.shopketo.com/product/mitoplex
Updated Keto Calculator with Higher Protein and PSMF: https://healnourishgrow.com/keto-calculator
Six Tips for Better Sleep
OOler Bed Topper for Hot or Cold Sleepers (healnourishgrow at checkout for an amazing discount)
Manta Blackout Sleep Mask
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drkerrygelb
Website: http://drkerrygelb.com
Open Your Eyes Movie: https://openyoureyes2020.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/drkerrygelb
Open Your Eyes With Dr.Kerry Gelb (Podcast): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/open-your-eyes-with-dr-kerry-gelb/id1505368923
Retinal Imaging: https: //www.webmd.com/eye-health/what-is-retinal-imaging
OCT Angiography: https://eyewiki.aao.org/Optical_Coherence_Tomography_Angiography