Healing Ties

Healing Ties

Latest Episodes

The Blessings of Hospice and Pallaitive Care
April 26, 2018

Contrary to popular belief, hospice is not a four letter word nor is hospice something to be feared. Hospice is a philosophy and model of health care designed to serve persons in compassionate, life giving ways. So why does the word cause so much...

Caregivers It's All About You
April 25, 2018

There are plenty of variables and uncertainties while in the midst of Caregiving. In the end, the number one job of a caregiver is to take care of self. On our final episode of " It Takes A Team to Care"Monica Stynchula from REUNIONCare discusses the...

A Caregivers Story
April 24, 2018

Even though we cannot control life's circumstances, planning and providing support can help provide security and peace, even during times of uncertainty. On this episode of Candid Conversations About Care, Amanda Singleton shares her story about how...

Building a 21st Century Workforce
April 23, 2018

Balancing, work, life and caregiving is challenging. We live in an aging society. As families change, so does our workforce. According to the National Partnership from Women & Families, only 15% of today's workforce have designated paid leave,...

Resistance To Assistance: Prepare To Care with Jane Barton Episode 3
April 19, 2018

For most people rooted in Western culture, it is difficult to ask for and receive help from others. However, the reality is that we will all need help due to the challenges posed by aging and/or illness. So, how are we to overcome our resistance to...

Working With Your Health Care Team: Episode 5 It Takes A Team To Care
April 18, 2018

Uniting patients, families and care professionals is critical to finding solutions while in the midst of Caregiving. On this episode of "It Takes A Team to Care" Monica Stynchula from REUNIONCare discusses the importance of Intelligent Care...

Change Is The Norm: Episdoe 2 Prepare To Care with Jane Barton
April 12, 2018

Most people are not fond of change. Instead, we love our routines; we gravitate toward certainty. We are comforted by what is know. Perhaps that is one reason why the journey of caregiving is do daunting. Change is a constant companion resulting in...

Finding Solutions for Caregivers: Episode 4 It Takes A Team to Care
April 11, 2018

Caregivers need three things; Validation, Respite and Resources. On this episode of “It Takes A Team To Care” Monica Stynchula from REUNIONCare helps guide us through the massive amount of resources available for all Caregivers. Listen in and learn...

Called to Care with Jane Barton: Episode 1 Prepare to Care
April 05, 2018

Caregiving is a universal concern and in some form or fashion, we are all called to care. We will all serve as caregivers numerous times of the course of a lifetime. And, we will all need care at some point. But are we prepared to care? On this...

Building Safe Enviroments: Episode 3 It Takes A Team To Care
April 04, 2018

Building Safe Environments is critical to aging in place safely. On this episode of “It Takes A Team To Care” Monica Stynchula from REUNIONCare discusses the concept of Wrap Around Care and the importance of using REUNIONCare's Ability Tracker and...