Healing Ties

Healing Ties

Latest Episodes

Caregiving Is No Piece of Cake
May 24, 2018

Author CJ Golden returns for an encore appearance on Healing Ties where we learn that having the correct recipe while in the midst of Caregiving will go a long way improving everyone taste. Listen in and learn how CJ Golden is creating Healing Ties...

Goodbye Change Hello Transition
May 23, 2018

The older caregiver is managing a fragile balancing act – caring for a loved one while thinking about his or her own old age. Change in all respects takes place at such a quick pace -- another loved one dies, neighbor is diagnosed with dementia, a...

Navigating The Medical Maze
May 22, 2018

While in the midst of caregiving Navigating Health Care can have its challenges. Interacting with multiple physicians on the health care team while ensuring optimal care is problematic when health care systems to communicate effectively. Candid...

Blending Technology and Aging featuring Liddy Manson from Aging Well Hub
May 17, 2018

As the Director of The Aging Well Hub at Georgetown Univeristy's McDonough School of Business, Liddy Manson is on cutting edge of collaborative efforts to create a shared framework for developing and deploying innovative products and services to...

Get Real
May 16, 2018

Today’s aging parents have us to care for them in their old age. But what about us? Who will take care of us when we need care? Featured in Episode One of "The Unique Needs of the Older Caregiver, author and mature-market expert Joy Loverde reminds...

Planning for Long Term Care
May 15, 2018

70% of people age 65 and older will need Long Term Care at some point in their life. Estimated cost of home health aide is $46K, Adult day care services, $18K, Assisted Living $45K, Skilled Nursing $92K! Amanda Singleton, The Caregiving Lawyer, has...

When Caregiving Ends
May 10, 2018

At the end of a lengthy and arduous journey of caregiving, many caregivers are emotionally, physically, and spiritually exhausted. And sadly, many are also financially spent. Just as we are wise to prepare to care, we must also consider what is to...

Caregiver Debt
May 08, 2018

Not many of us have the financial security to withstand an unexpected medical event or long-term caregiving. On average, caregivers spend five to ten thousand dollars per year, out-of-pocket, to help their care partners. This can lead to insecurity...

What Do You Have To Lose
May 03, 2018

When chatting about grief and loss, most people assume the topic of discussion is the ultimate loss - death. However we experience a myriad of losses through the journey of caregiving: good health, independence, freedom, financial security,...

Essential Legal Documents for Caregivers
May 01, 2018

What happens when a medical crisis strikes? Confusion, uncertainty, fear? While we can't anticipate the unexpected, we can put a plan in place to help when a medical crisis arises. On this episode of Candid Conversations About Care, The Caregiver...