Gun Lawyer

Gun Lawyer

Episode 139-And the Winner is….

June 25, 2023

Episode 139-And the Winner is….
Also Available OnGoogle PodcastsTuneIn PodcastsCastbox PodcastsiHeartRadio PodcastsPodcast TranscriptGun Lawyer Episode 139


brass, murphy, gun, tramp stamp, stamp, law, suggestions, new jersey, carry, permit, submission, face, rights, firearms, state, book, interesting, evan, battling, casing


Speaker 3, Evan Nappen

Evan Nappen 00:00

Hi. I’m Evan Nappen, and welcome to Gun Lawyer. Well, we’re going to have some fun today because we’re going to look at the submissions to the Murphy Tramp Stamp Contest. And you guys, you listeners are just awesome. You sent in some fantastic, just spectacular submissions. We’re going to read the best ones, and then I arbitrarily I’m going to pick one. But, you know, I want to see the one that would be most likely to be the one that I would actually have on my microstamp gun, if I ever was to even think about getting a gun that does microstamping.

Evan Nappen 00:59

But before we get to all that fun stuff, I do want to just give you an update over the recent, within the last few days, Federal Court of Appeals, what they did with regard to the Murphy Carry Killer, anti-Civil Rights bill. It is somewhat of a setback. But it’s nothing to be too disappointed about, because there’s some positive. This is a continuing fight, a continuing battle. So, what happened was on the 20th of June, the Federal Appeals Court temporarily reinstated some parts of the Murphy Carry Killer, anti-Civil Rights bill. The reinstatements occurred to the injunction on a number of the sensitive places. In other words, what it means is that the great Judge Bump had issued an injunction on a number of the sensitive places and a number of other provisions of the bill. By the judge enjoining those provisions, it means that they were not enforceable by the Government on permit carriers. The Federal Appeals Court, based on the State’s motion to stay, meaning stop her injunction and reinstate the prohibitions of the law, granted some of them, and I’m going to tell you in a moment what they are.

Evan Nappen 02:43

Of course, New Jersey is always out to destroy our rights, and they’re fighting in the courts to keep these limitations on our gun rights in place. So, New Jersey, temporarily, won on the following issues, and these are now back as sensitive places. You need to be aware that you cannot have your licensed, legal carry gun, law-abiding citizen, none of that matters, if you are in the following sensitive places. The Appeals Court has stayed the injunction of the sensitive place that said within 100 feet of a public gathering, demonstration, or event requiring a Government permit. So, you now cannot carry at a public gathering until we win this appeal. Of course, we are aggressively fighting this appeal, especially the sponsor of our show, the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs. This is all still being fought. But at this time, beware of carrying your gun within 100 feet of a public gathering, demonstration, or event. Page – 2 – of 10

Evan Nappen 04:11

Zoos – you cannot carry at a zoo. That’s back. You cannot carry at a park, a beach, recreational facility or area owned or controlled by a state, county, or local government unit designated as a Gun Free Zone. That’s back. A publicly owned or leased library or museum. That’s back. A bar or restaurant where alcohol is served and any other site or facility where alcohol is sold for consumption on the premises. You can no longer carry there. Entertainment facilities, that prohibition is back. Casino and related facilities. That prohibition is back. But of course the casinos themselves united to ban guns which is why the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs called for a boycott of the New Jersey casinos. Don’t give money to anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment, anti-Civil Rights establishments, such as the casinos in New Jersey. Healthcare facilities are back, which prior you could have it at medical offices and ambulatory care. You cannot do that anymore.

Evan Nappen 05:27

All of those that were enjoined, meaning made unenforceable by Judge Bump in a brilliant, and one of the most extensive opinions ever written, well over 200 pages, has temporarily been reinstated by the granting of a stay by the Federal Appeals Court. Now the appeal of the state is going to play out in the Federal Appeals Court, and the fight is continuing. This is just one battle in the war on the Carry Killer, anti-Civil Rights bill of Murphy and the Democrats. Now that is the bad news of what this appeals court did. But the good news is the injunction allowing. Remember, they prohibited having guns in a motor vehicle, even a licensed law-abiding citizen with a loaded handgun in their own motor vehicle with a permit was blocked by the Carry Killer law. We call that section of the law, the Car Jacker Protection Law that was enjoined by Judge Bump saying it cannot be enforced against law-abiding citizens. Citizens are allowed to carry in their vehicle. That was not blocked by the appeals court. In other words, you can still carry loaded, concealed on your person, in your motor vehicle or in a motor vehicle. That’s not prohibited. So, we still can protect ourselves in vehicle.

Evan Nappen 07:10

The private property sensitive place, where the Murphy and the anti-Civil Rights Democrats passed a law that said you had to have express permission before you went on private property, they had to have a sign saying you can carry here, we want you to carry here, etc. Or you got express permission verbally. That was enjoined by Judge Bump and that is still enjoined. The Appellate Court did not reverse that. The only sensitive place, other than the ones that they did allow, surprisingly, the one that’s still standing, because private property was one of them. The only other one, because vehicles were actually in a different section, the Car Jacker Protection Law, that was a different section. The only other one that they let stand and others let remain blocked, was public filming locations where you’re filming for entertainment, or movies or television, etc. So, in other words, the Alec Baldwin prohibition that they passed, and it was enjoined by Judge Bump so that that would not be enforceable. The Appellate Court let that stand. So, the Alec Baldwin movie producers of the world are free to shoot folks on the movie sets, yet again. Now that’s just a joke, and it’s pretty poor joke. I admit it. But the thing is, really, all of these should be continued. But they weren’t. Page – 3 – of 10

Evan Nappen 08:54

Of course, I guess their consideration over public filming is there’s a lot of money that New Jersey wants to make from getting the movie industry here, the entertainment folks. Maybe, they had some second thoughts on stopping the ability to have firearms on movie sets and such, even with proper safety protocols and everything else because it’s going to hurt the ability for the entertainment industry to do their thing here. They probably also saw that there were genuine First Amendment concerns, not just Second Amendment concerns, when you’re dealing with stopping the expression of various movies and television and all of that, that is in fact a communication.

Evan Nappen 09:41

Anyway, the bottom line is you’re still permitted with your Carry Permit in vehicles, private property, and public film locations. Additionally, and most importantly, the Appellate Court did not, did not change Judge Bump’s decision on killing the insurance requirement. You do not need to get that insurance, which is impossible to get because no company, no insurance provider, can even provide the insurance because of its ridiculous requirements. So, the impossible to get insurance mandate is still invalidated, and you do not need to get that insurance. The other thing is the procedures and permit requirements where she modified the various things in the application process, all of that has remained as well.

Evan Nappen 10:39

So, there were some things here that have been temporarily lost, but other things are still firmly in place. I just wanted to give you, my dear listeners, the update so that you don’t inadvertently end up with a serious criminal problem in Jersey by carrying where you should not. Because even though we know these laws are all unconstitutional, they are an affront to civil liberties, they are disgusting and stupid, we still obey the law because we are law-abiding gun owners. We don’t want to see anybody have a problem by inadvertently violating them. So, that’s the update on the Carry Killer fight that is ongoing and being battled valiantly by our pro-gun forces and making incredible headway. And we still are. Remember, as much as this fight is nerve racking, we’re still in the win column. Because prior to Bruen and prior to any of this, we couldn’t carry it all. And we still can. We’re going to gain back more and more and more as we pound our victories through the court system. I am confident, I am confident that we are going to be successful, and so should you. But make sure you support our great gun groups, because they’re the ones on the front lines battling for our rights. When we come back, we’re going to look at the tramp stamp, the top entries, and who the winners are. We’re going to have a good time with that because some of these are just hilarious. We’ll see you in a few.

Speaker 3 12:33

For over 30 years, Attorney Evan Nappen has seen what rotten laws do to good people. That’s why he’s dedicated his life to fighting for the rights of America’s gun owners. A fearsome courtroom litigator fighting for rights, justice, and freedom. An unrelenting gun rights spokesman tearing away at anti-gun propaganda to expose the truth. Author of six bestselling books on gun rights, including Nappen on Gun Law, a bright orange gun law Bible that sits atop the desk of virtually every lawyer, police chief, firearms dealer, and savvy gun owner. That’s what made Evan Nappen America’s Gun Lawyer. Gun laws are designed to make you a criminal. Don’t become the innocent victim of a vicious anti-gun legal system. This is the guy you want on your side. Keep his name and number in your wallet and hope you never have to use it. But if you live, work, or travel with a firearm, the deck is already stacked against Page – 4 – of 10

you. You can find him on the web at or follow the link on the Gun Lawyer resource page. Evan Nappen – America’s Gun Lawyer.

Speaker 3 13:47

You’re listening to Gun Lawyer with Attorney Evan Nappen. Available wherever you get your favorite podcast.

Evan Nappen 14:01

Hey, welcome back. I’m Evan Nappen, and this is Gun Lawyer. Well, folks, you know this stuff never ceases to amaze me and just how much we’re never out of things to discuss. But I’m so proud, so happy to have my sponsors of this show help make it possible so we can get this message out to you at no charge, free. Make sure you subscribe to the podcast and get your friends to subscribe. This gives us the voice and the ability here to present these things to you that you’re going to have a hard time finding in the lamestream media. Now, the sponsors that make this possible include WeShoot. WeShoot is a range in Lakewood, an indoor range. They are a top notch range, and they have training. They have wonderful staff, and they are here supporting Gun Lawyer so that you can get the show. You need to support them. It’s a great place. They’re top of the line folks, super professional.

Evan Nappen 15:11

I want to mention that they are having a summer sale. That’s right. You can take advantage of this summer sale. It’s going from June 29 to July 9. All 22 caliber firearms at WeShoot, that’s pistols and rifles, are 15% off. You can go there, look at these great guns, and get that super deal at 15% off. You don’t have to have your gun license or your gun permit ready at the time. They know we have the delays that it takes in getting these things. If you already have a valid Firearms ID Card, you can actually just have them hold your gun for 90 days while you go and get your Handgun Purchase Permit. So, if you see a handgun you like, they’ll give you the special price, they’ll hold it for 90 days, and then they’ll make sure that you’re able to obtain it. They’re not going to, of course, sell you any gun without all the legal requirements being fulfilled. You are going to have to get your gun permit, do the NICS check and all that. But they will hold it for you so that you can get your permit, get your license and do it legally and properly, which is the only way they transfer firearms at WeShoot. They are a fully licensed federal and state dealer. They have a fantastic inventory. So, not only do you have the great range facility, not only do you have fantastic training, and a top line staff, they also have plenty of guns, and they’re having a great summer sale. Go to WeShoot and check out the great guns they have. While you’re there, get in some great shooting, and some great training. If you need to get training for your pistol purchase permit, well, that’s the place to go. Because they will certify you and get you the training requirements that you need.

Evan Nappen 17:15

Very shortly, we’re going to see a change in the training requirements. They’re going to be promulgated by the State Police, by the way, on that in July. That’s when, supposedly, it’s going to happen. Once they promulgate this under the new Carry Killer Law, the new training requirements, everybody’s going to have to meet the new training requirements – even if you have a pre-existing right now, if you have a Carry Permit already. If you have one already, you’re going to have to re-qualify under the new training Page – 5 – of 10

requirements, and you’re going to have to get that done by October. That’s right. You’re going to have to get it done by October or your Permit is no good. It’s mandated.

Evan Nappen 17:57

If you’re putting in a new application, then you’re going to need these new requirements, which should be promulgated very, very shortly. We’re expecting that in July, and when it happens, any new applications are going to require it, and existing permits are going to have to get that new training in as well. We’ll talk more about that in future podcasts, and we’ll talk more about the new promulgation of the rule when it is officially put forward. But this is just a heads up of what to expect, and WeShoot is there to help you to meet the requirements that are going to be coming up. So, stay tuned for that.

Evan Nappen 18:38

Of course, our great state Association, the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs, they are the state NRA affiliate. They are the number one gun rights organization in New Jersey – largest membership, most influence, most important. It is the Association. Now I love all our pro-gun groups as should you, but as an absolute requirement as a gun owner in Jersey, you must belong to the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs. They are the ones on the frontlines in Trenton. They have a full-time paid lobbyist, and they are litigating in Federal Court as we speak on the attack on our civil rights by the Murphy carry killer bill. They are there in federal court, going after the state, trying to get our rights restored by the actions taken by Murphy and the Democrats against our Constitutional Rights.

Evan Nappen 19:41

The Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs. They’re battling as we speak on the assault firearm ban. They’re battling the so-called large capacity magazine ban. They are working as we speak with the No Serial Number gun ban. With all these things that are affecting us, the Association is there. Please check out the Association. When you join, you get email alerts, the instant alerts. You’re going to know what’s happening. You’re going to know what legislation. You’re going to know about case updates. They are going to let you know. They have a fantastic warning system that goes out to the members. It is top notch. They have one of the finest newsletters of any gun rights group in the country, the Association newsletter. You’re going to get all these things and know that you’re protecting your rights, our rights, and taking a part in doing that. It is critical.

Evan Nappen 20:45

I will also tell you, why not, that you should buy my book. Hey, I’ll shamelessly plug my book. Now’s a good opportunity to do it. It’s New Jersey Gun Law, and it is the 25th Anniversary Edition. It is over 500 pages long. It takes 120 topics that are question and answer. I wrote it so you can understand the law. It’s not a law book where you read and go, what does that mean? I wrote a book so that it is user friendly for this ridiculous complex system of New Jersey gun law that tries to entrap law-abiding citizens and disenfranchise them of their rights. You can understand it. You can read about it. I explain it and make it as easy as can be for you to be compliant and not become a victim of New Jersey gun laws. That’s my calling in life – to protect you and to protect our rights. This book is a labor of love. Page – 6 – of 10

Evan Nappen 21:49

So, if you’re interested in getting a copy of it, you can go to my website at You’ll see the big book right there. Click on it, and you can order it online. You’ll have it within a matter of days. The greatest thing about this new book that I’m most proud of is the QR code right on the front. Just scan that code and subscribe to the free, 100% free, updates and alerts that I send out. When you own the base book, when you own that book that gives you the base of all the information, it is continuously updated by me. As soon as this Court case came out, within 24 hours, you had the alert and the update if you had registered and own the book. You are going to stay on top of these laws. So, the book is not going to go out of date. I’m keeping it current through automatic updates, taking advantage of our technology and our ability to do it. So, get a copy of New Jersey Gun Law, the 25th Anniversary Edition. Go to and get yourself a copy.

Evan Nappen 23:01

Now let’s take a look at these wonderful submissions on the tramp stamp. I’m going to go through the best ones here with you. I think you’re going to really enjoy it because I know I did. I did peek at them in advance, and they’re pretty good, man. I am really happy with the suggestions. So, here I have Robert, and Robert says my idea for a tramp stamp is inspired by Pulp Fiction. He wants his casing to say, “Badass MF.” “Badass MF”. Well, let me tell you something, man. Being a super fan of Pulp Fiction myself, I definitely appreciate the idea of a tramp stamp that says “Badass MF”. Thank you for that submission, Bob. Let’s take a look here at another one. This one is, bear with me here. This is from Bruce, and Bruce’s idea, he says “Kiss My Brass”. There you go. That’s a good one. That’s clever. I like Kiss My Brass. He particularly likes it because he’s addressing it to Murphy and the Attorney General. But I get the message there, Bruce. I think you hit it on the head there with Kiss My Brass. Appreciate the submission.

Evan Nappen 24:28

Let’s take a look at what Dave sent. Dave said to put on there, yes, the classic Clint Eastwood. You made my day. So, not “Make My Day” but instead “You Made My Day”. That’s pretty interesting to have that on his shell casing – “You Made My Day”. And look at this. Here is from Gregory. Gregory suggests three. He has three different ones. There wasn’t a limit to the amount that you want to send. First Gregory suggests having “Phil Murphy Sent Me”. Okay, there’s one that’s pretty interesting. “FPM”, the initials FPM. He says that’s self-explanatory, and I guess it is self-explanatory. “FPM”. It’s similar to FJB, if you get my meaning, similar. The other one is “Have A Nice Day”. He said, “Have A Nice Day”. I guess it’s just a pleasant greeting to put on your brass. You know, have a nice day. Thank you for that submission.

Evan Nappen 25:39

We have from Bob. Bob wants his to say “Let’s Go Brandon”. Bob is obviously a racecar fan wanting to say that. And anyway, he even suspected that others would be suggesting similar things he said, as well. Always a good show. I listened to your show and Gun For Hire each Sunday. Thank God I moved from New York to Virginia. So, yeah, I understand that sentiment. Okay, we have another great submission, and this is from Vinnie. Now what Vinnie suggests is just this picture of Phil Murphy. And what he said quote is, “His dumb face would be great for a tramp stamp.” Vinnie just wants Murphy’s face on brass, which is interesting and actually kind of a hilarious suggestion. You should see the Page – 7 – of 10

picture he chose for Phil Murphy. Then another great listener here, Robert said, “a circle with a line through it and a picture of Governor snaggletooth himself”. Governor snaggletooth himself. Okay. There’s definitely a lot of fans of Phil Murphy here on what they want to see the tramp stamp say.

Evan Nappen 27:07

Here’s another, and this is from Bill. Bill wants an emoji of the Grim Reaper. Well, that is quite a statement. An emoji of the Grim Reaper on your brass. We have one here from Ray, and Ray says, to put “DTOM”, the letters d, t, o, m, which stands for Don’t Tread On Me, with a rattlesnake stamped in the center of the primer. Ray says great podcast by the way. Hey, Ray, thank you very much. And that’s actually Ray Rodriguez. I’m using Ray’s last name because Ray Rodriguez also has a podcast. And he does a great podcast too. Ray, thanks for submitting your idea for the tramp stamp. Let me say here is one from Danielle. Now Danielle made some very interesting suggestions. Danielle wants the face of Britney Spears and have it say, “Oops, I did it again”. Okay, that’s pretty funny. Obviously, a music lover, because he wants Michael Jackson’s face and the stamp to just read “Smooth Criminal”. Okay, that’s interesting. Or he wants Michael Jordan’s face and say “Nothing But Net. Okay, good. Now this is okay. He wants the Lord Helmets face from Spaceballs movies. Remember Lord Helmets from Spaceballs? He wants it to say “12345”. Okay, that’s a good one. I get it. I hope many of you do as well.

Evan Nappen 28:58

Here’s another one, “please return to owner”. Yeah, I guess if you’re concerned about your brass, you might want it stamped “please return to owner”. Another suggestion, boy Danielle, you really went through a lot. “No need to thank me. Return the favor to the next person who deserves it.” Oh, it’s like pay it forward as a tramp stamp. Very, very interesting. Pay it forward. Actually, “Pay It Forward” would be one itself. So, here “this message will self-destruct in five seconds.” A little bit of Mission Impossible going on there. Okay, this one I liked. Now this one’s good. Alec Baldwin’s face, and then the quote, “I never pulled the trigger”. Now that would actually be pretty good if your brass has a stamp on it that “I never pulled the trigger”.

Evan Nappen 29:46

Okay. Last but not least, okay. Now I gotta tell you something. This one is really, really good. For me personally, I gotta say I’d like it. He said, last but not least, Danielle says Evan Nappen’s business card. That’s pretty good, man. I gotta say. Evan Nappen’s business card on brass. Fascinating. Okay, thank you for that Danielle. I definitely personally appreciate that suggestion. Here is from Doug. Doug says he has a few suggestions. Murphy’s face with his crooked teeth. Pew. that’s PEW. Oh, this one’s good. “Doin Bruen”. I like that. It rhymes. Nice, you know? “Doin Bruen”. Pretty cool. “Please Recycle”. Okay, that’s good. “Please Recycle”. Not bad. “Hooray for 2A”. Yep. “Tap that brass”. Okay, “Tap that brass”. And “I plead the 2nd”. Excellent suggestions there, Doug. I am sure that those are deep in the running here for potential winners. Okay, we have Paul. Paul says, “Murphy did it”. Okay, that’s something nice. Or “Murphy owns it”. Yeah. “No one” or “No one’s casing”. “No one” or “No one’s casing”. A play on the last name of, oh, I won’t even say because I don’t want it. It says some personalized I’ll keep that out. But no one. “Whose name is it?” Or “Whose is it?” Whose is it? Okay, there you go. Imagine a case microstamped, and it says “whose is it?” Okay, pretty good. “Useless!” But that really does hit home good. “Useless!” Or just the word “Guess”. Guess. Imagine that the brass just “Guess”. I like that guess. Very interesting. Page – 8 – of 10

Evan Nappen 32:06

Now we have Dave. David says, boy, he came out with a nice list. “Molon Labe”. That’s cool. “I’ll be back.” I guess that’s a little Arnold. “Hasta la vista, baby.” Good. “You’re terminated”. Blank. “You’re terminated F’er”. “Do you feel lucky?” Okay, we’re getting into movie stuff. “You made my day”. “Sayonara”. Got it. “I am vengeance”. These are all good tramp stamps. “Life’s a bitch”. Yeah, that’s interesting. “It has been an honor”. “It’s been an honor”. That’s good. “The pleasure is mine.” “From my cold dead hands.” And finally, this is a lot to have on a tramp stamp. But I do like the sentiment. “Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?” I don’t know if they can fit all that. But there you go. Some great suggestions. Thanks, Dave. Now, this is from, I believe it’s Roy. Roy says How about “FJB”? That’s definitely a strong contender. Or my old favorite, “Kilroy Was Here”. There’s some World War Two. It’d be nice on like for your 45 brass, right? “Kilroy Was Here”. Then there’s always “Murphy Sucks”. So, there’s some great suggestions there.

Evan Nappen 33:34

We have from Mark. Mark’s entry is “Property of Phil Murphy”. So, there you go. That’s from Mark. “Property of Phil Murphy”. Nicholas says, Nicholas says “MYOB”. The initials “MYOB” or the initials “N J. S P”. That’s pretty funny. “N J S P” as a stamp. Paul says, “Limited Edition – 1 of 50”. Now wouldn’t that be interesting? Every time your brass is stamped, it says “Limited Edition – 1 of 50”. That’s from Paul. This is from Rod. Rod says “IAACHP”. Those letters. And it means, ready? What does IAACHP mean? Here’s what it means. “Identifies As A Cordless Hole Puncher.” Very clever. I like that. Identifies as a cordless hole puncher. Keep up the great work, loving the podcast. That’s from Ryan Thank you, Rod.

Evan Nappen 35:02

I have one here from James. James says he has so many ideas. He also says he may need attorney-client privilege for some of these. We’ll only use first names here. Okay, assuming I get one entry. He says my entry is “redacted”. Okay, that would be interesting. “Redacted.” But here’s his list. Ready? “Wasn’t me”. “Not guilty”. Okay, imagine all these stamped on brass. “I plead the fifth.” Okay. “This casing was intentionally left blank.” Clever, clever. “Hitman for hire call 609975NJSP”. Okay. “Property of the US government.” “This casing was stolen.” “I want my lawyer.” “If found, returned to Hillary Clinton.” “It was self-defense.” Well, here’s another one. “They started it.” Okay. “He had it comein.” “Serial number classified.” “I should have used a revolver”. Yes. You see when you use a revolver with microstamping, no brass gets left anywhere. But don’t tell the folks proposing microstamping. They don’t even know what a revolver is, I guess. “Should have used a brass catcher”. Yeah, that would catch brass even out of a semi-auto. “This regime change was brought to you by the CIA” and “SNO 142.” Then says, “Continued on next casing”. Very clever stuff, James. Thank you very much for your submissions.

Evan Nappen 36:49

We have here from Ken. YOLO which you all know is You Only Live Once. Or “TY”. There you go. “TY” on a shell casing. We have this from Steve. Steve says, “lib tears”. “Snow flax”. I guess it could be snowflake or snow flax. Either way, it could be funny either way. Or “Bruen, Thank You.” We have from Dominic – Murphy’s tooth. There you go, Murphy’s tooth, singular. Here’s a, said I’ve listened to every Page – 9 – of 10

episode. So far, great stuff. Here’s my idea for one of my microstamps. My microstamp tramp stamp to say, ready, here’s what he wants to say. “Girls do it better.” So, guess what? I don’t think it’s he. Sorry, if I missed your gender, I apologize. My problem. Excellent. Thank you for your submission. That was Rhiannon. Thank you. Okay, we have from John. Evan, thank you for all you do. Love the show. Been a listener for months and months. Longtime listener of Gun For Hire radio as well. My good friend Anthony Colandro. My idea for funny microstamp is “Made You Look.” Okay. And then, “Gotcha”. There are some great suggestions by John.

Evan Nappen 38:19

We have from Carrie who says, “Make my day”. That seems to be a popular one. “Feel lucky, punk.” Yep, most definitely a Clint Eastwood fan going on here. Love the podcast. Look forward to them every week. Well, thank you very much. This is actually, I’m going to save this one because this one is from my brother. He’s not actually a participant in the contest, my brother, Louis, but he had some interesting suggestions that we’ll get to at the end. Here this is from John, which is “J T T”. “Just The Tip”. Is that like the famous promise? I don’t know, but he wants “J T T”. Then there’s “WHMF” which stands for “Wrong House Mother F***er”. Thank you, John, for your suggestions. Here is from Mark Steel. Mark steel wants “ICECLH4B” and what it means “If Cartridge Empty, Check Local Hospital For Bullet”. There you go. He’s telling you where to find the bullet. “MadeULook”, that seems to also be a popular one to have stamped, and “X X X X X X”, meaning I reload this brass, and it was microstamped dozen times. You know, that really raises an interesting issue with microstamping. Because what about people who reload brass that’s has a microstamp? You’re going to have stamps over stamps over stamps. It’s going to be completely erased, irrelevant anyway. And just think about, you know, they say about modification to the microstamping mechanism. But if the brass you’re using doesn’t take to the stamping well or it’s been over stamped and understaffed and all that, good luck with this cockamamie idea. So, you know, brass is not one use. They seem to have forgotten that.

Evan Nappen 40:19

Okay, here this is from Luis. Hello Mr. Nappen. How’s this one? “D I L L I G A F”, and that stands for Does It Look Like I Give An F*ck”. That’s a classic right there. Then there’s this from Lou, and Lou says how about a microstamp of Murphy’s rotten teeth? That’s what I call a “s” eating grin because his teeth look like he’s been gnawing on “S”. I guess he opted out of the Goldman Sachs dental plan. Okay, there you go. Then he quotes Anthony Colandro that he can eat an apple through a chain link fence. That is a classic quote from our good friend, Anthony. That’s for sure. This is also from Lou. Oh no, that we did already. And this finally here, another “JTT” from Yiddy.

Evan Nappen 41:15

Let me go back to what my brother, Lou, suggested. He’s not actually in the contest because that would not be right. He’s, you know, disqualified. But what he suggests. He says if microstamping becomes mandatory, we need to strip its usefulness from the anti-gunners. What if microstamp brass became, ready for these, folks, an exchanged collectible? Like military challenge coins, guitar picks, trading cards, ham radio postcards, celebrities can give out their microstamp brass at events. A collection would include a brass stamp from pro-gun celebrities like Tom Selleck, maybe with his stamp Magnum, or Trump with his stamp “MAGA”, or Hank Williams stamped “BOCEPHUS”. Bocephus, little Bocephus. I get it, Lou, that’s a great suggestion. Think about that. Actually, if you get a microstamp, it’ll end up Page – 10 – of 10

being brass that gets collected and traded from famous celebrities. Then you can certify authenticity. Just think about how much people are going to want to have brass from all different individual’s handguns that were officially out of their guns. How cool would that be? To have guns from various individuals and have the brass that came out of it? You’re going to see, as Lou says, it’s widely known, we collect and exchange examples of each other’s brass. People could mix and match them. Bras drop buckets. People drop handfuls, and they have a “share the brass campaign”. Look, if we flood the market doing this, it’s just going to create all kinds of reasonable doubt with people just using everybody else’s brass, too, and that’s another point of just how stupid the system is. But if you want to make money at this, if you want to use it as something that actually becomes a collectible, I can actually see that happen. Now my brother’s suggestions, and he knows that he’s removed from the contest, is the recycling symbol as in recycle your brass. The kosher K mark. Okay. “Pew, Pew, Pew”. Dollhouse spittoon, as if that’s what this little brass bucket is, a miniature spittoon for a dollhouse. Okay. “Not Mine”, your Honor, the brass was clearly marked “Not Mine”. Again, “Someone else’s”, or the word MICROSTAMP. Think about that a microstamp that’s marked microstamp. Can we get more meta than that? Or maybe simply “INFRINGEMENT”, or, of course, “MOLON LABE”. Lou, thanks for your suggestions. You are, of course, disqualified. But you know what? I could actually see an entire collector market being created for individual’s own stamped brass. People collecting the various brass of various individuals, and it becomes a commodity that is actually collectible.

Evan Nappen 44:22

So, there you have it, and I’m going to say that I love all your suggestions. I really appreciate your participation. This is an unscientific contest. It’s a contest that I get to pick, and I’m going to say which one do I like the best, because the one that I personally love because it fits me so much. I have to say goes to Danielle about “Evan Nappen’s business card”. How can I resist that, seriously? That to me, just hit me as the best. So, Danielle, I will be sending you a signed book. I want to thank all of you who participated and listen to this show. It’s a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed doing it. I hope you’ve had a lot of fun, too. This is Evan Nappen reminding you that gun laws don’t protect honest citizens from criminals. They protect criminals from honest citizens.

Speaker 3 45:13

Gun Lawyer is a CounterThink Media production. The music used in this broadcast was managed by Cosmo Music, New York, New York. Reach us by emailing The information and opinions in this broadcast do not constitute legal advice. Consult a licensed attorney in your state.

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About The HostEvan Nappen, Esq.

Known as “America’s Gun Lawyer,” Evan Nappen is above all a tireless defender of justice. Author of eight bestselling books and countless articles on firearms, knives, and weapons history and the law, a certified Firearms Instructor, and avid weapons collector and historian with a vast collection that spans almost five decades — it’s no wonder he’s become the trusted, go-to expert for local, industry and national media outlets.

Regularly called on by radio, television and online news media for his commentary and expertise on breaking news Evan has appeared countless shows including Fox News – Judge Jeanine, CNN – Lou Dobbs, Court TV, Real Talk on WOR, It’s Your Call with Lyn Doyle, Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk, and Cam & Company/NRA News.

As a creative arts consultant, he also lends his weapons law and historical expertise to an elite, discerning cadre of movie and television producers and directors, and novelists.

He also provides expert testimony and consultations for defense attorneys across America.

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