Growth Groupies

Growth Groupies

Latest Episodes

I Will Be Shamed If I Like Myself
April 16, 2024

What is a limiting belief you have that prevents you from experiencing joy.

Do You Make Yourself Small?
April 09, 2024

In what ways do you make yourself small to make others comfortable?

I Did Something Bad
March 26, 2024

Hear about how Anna's date went terribly wrong!

Female Resentment
March 12, 2024

Woman are excepted to doing invisible work especially taking the cognitive load of many household task.

Dream Job
May 02, 2023

If money wasn't a thing, what would you do everyday? Faz's answer will surprise you!

Limiting Beliefs
April 24, 2023

Limiting beliefs are self manifesting. The mean bully in your head is controlling your life. Time to admit hard truths and break free!

Skinny – Cool Girls Don’t Care
April 17, 2023

It's so "cool girl" to not care but we all care about our weight and here's why.

Do You Value Your Time?
April 10, 2023

Do you allow yourself to do invisible work? Do you let others disrespect your time? Women are often expected to put everyone else before them.

April 02, 2023

In this ep we question goodness? Is goodness holding humans back from what we could be? Is goodness a cage?

Being Alive is Expensive
January 01, 2023

A reflection on society's timeline. What does it mean to enter you late 20s riddled with debt and increasing cost of living?