Growth Groupies

Growth Groupies

Latest Episodes

January 01, 2023

The next 30 min are a series of tangents that may or may not center around how our childhood impacts what we look for in our future.

Hustle Culture
January 01, 2023

... a 45min tangent only slightly related to hustle culture.

Your Reality is Relative to Your Experience
January 01, 2023

Your Reality is Relative to Your Experience: Anna shares how she never knew people could hear or see things in their brain until a reading specialist shows her an exercise for some of her students.

Katy – Mind Dancing
March 08, 2021

What is DBT? This is what the world needs?

Unlearning – Abstracting Anna
February 22, 2021

What did you learn from your parents that doesn't serve you? What do you need to unlearn?

Taking Steps – Abstracting Anna
February 01, 2021

Is perfection holding you back?

What Your Parents Gave You – Abstracting Anna
January 24, 2021

Look into how your subconscious mind formed! Where did your habits and inner dialog come from?

Intuition – Abstracting Anna
January 13, 2021

What is intuition? Is intuition a God voice guiding us? Are we practically living in a computer simulation and God is the programmer but he got bored so he gave us free will? How do you tell the difference between intuition and limiting beliefs?

Shame – Abstracting Anna
January 11, 2021

We have a shame mindset that puts us into survival mode and drains all of our energy.

New Years Resolutions – Abstracting Anna
December 28, 2020

New Years Resolutions! Are they good or bad? Are they healthy or toxic? Let's dig in!