Growing HOPE with Kathryn Lang

Latest Episodes
How to Own Your Unique Design
Own it. Thats rightOWN IT! Whats it? YOU. All of your qualities, quirks, and quiches . . . okay, not quiches, but I wanted to keep the alliteration going and I didnt have another q word got one
How to Break Imposter Syndrome with Unique Design
Imposter syndrome sneaks into my heart with good intentions and good ideas. The problem isnt that they arent good, its that they arent Gods design for me. I get so caught up in trying to be what
Excuse Me? 5 Tips to Break Free from Excuses
There are plenty of ways to say excuse me.Maybe its with attitude. Maybe its genuine confusion. Maybe its a way to slip out of something you dont want to do. Excuse me can be as loaded as ble
Fight Fear: 5 Ways to Get Unstuck & Take Control
It takes hope and courage to fight fear. And you have to fight . . . for your right . . . Because fear tries everything in its bag of tricks to take control and run you into a ditch. Fear is a sneak
Fight Comparison: Five Tips for Freedom from The Lies
You have to fight comparison to keep from losing yourself. Comparison is a liar.It whispers that were not enough, that were falling behind, that we should be doing more, achieving more, and being mo
It Takes Only One – 5 Tips to Handle TOO MUCH
Overwhelmed? Maybe the TOO MUCH is Getting to You. Ever had so much to do that you didnt know what to do? And because you didnt know what to do, you just didnt do anything? Yeah. Been there. The t
Are You Stuck in a Rut? 5 Tips to Break Free
Getting stuck in a rut makes everything more challenging. For one, if you are as short as me, you cant see anything from the rut perspective. For two, its hard to go your unique way when the rut dem
Sowing Hope One Seed At a Time
Sowing hope is required if you are going to grow hope. You cant reap what you dont sow. Listen to the GrowingHOPE Podcast all about Preparing for HOPE by clicking the play button. The Book of Job Sh
Preparing for HOPE
Preparing for hope keeps the moments of lifey life from sucking your heart dry. Listen to the GrowingHOPE Podcast all about Preparing for HOPE by clicking the play button. I Broke My Hope The last f
Off the Beaten Trail
Overcoming fear happens when you choose to move. Each step and each little bit moves you closer to your best life. The breakthrough begins with one choice. If you choose to let it, there is always som