Ag Sales Professional's Podcast by Greg Martinelli

Ag Sales Professional's Podcast by Greg Martinelli

How do your customers make decisions? – PODCAST

October 01, 2024

And what is your role as their salesperson when they do?

Your farmer customers are struggling to stay afloat right now, more than probably ever in their farming history.  Unless they farmed through the 1980’s, right now is their most difficult time.

Your role as their salesperson or more importantly, their trusted advisor has never been more important. 

Here are 4 thoughts on a farmer’s decision-making that can help you to help them:

  1. Avoiding bad decisions versus making good decisions:

  2. Safe vs Speculative decisions: “Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM” 

  3. Apply DISC to help your customers make better decisions

  4. Coaching your customer

Listen in as we cover the details of these four decision making concepts, so you can help your farmer customers make better decisions!