Green Wisdom Health Podcast

Green Wisdom Health Podcast

Signs You Need to Detox

April 10, 2019

The question is not if you should do a detox….. It’s When!
You have an insatiable sweet tooth
You are experiencing digestive distress
Allergies are no longer “seasonal” and happen often
You don’t feel healthy despite eating clean
You have skin problems
You are always exhausted
You aren’t as mentally sharp
Your joints are always sore
Your constantly stressed
Just the thought of a detox gives you anxiety
You struggle to lose weight
Your hormones are out of whack
Your breath and body odor are not so fresh
Your sleep patterns are off
You are anxious and/or depressed
You often get cold sores
Products mentioned in today’s show:
Core Support - The liver is the body’s main detoxification organ which provides enzyme systems that safely process and remove xenobiotics (foreign chemical substances) out of the body, as well as unhealthy hormone metabolites
PhytoCore - The specialized blend of nutrients in PhytoCore has been shown to support Phase I and II liver detoxification and boost liver health