Green Wisdom Health Podcast

Green Wisdom Health Podcast

Heart Attack – It’s Not Just For Men!

February 14, 2019

Heart Attack – It’s Not Just For Men
Symptoms that you might be having a heart attack:
Sudden Dizziness
Pressure, tightness, pain, aching or squeezing sensation in the chest that may radiate to the neck, jaw or back
Abdominal Pain
Shortness of Breath
Cold Sweats
Products Mentioned on Today’s Show:
Bergamot - Numerous clinical trials have shown the specific bioactive polyphenolic fractions found in Bergamot BPF works at the level of the liver to help maintain and support healthy cholesterol levels and preserve coronary arteries by maintaining inflammatory balance.
CitraNOX - delivers full-spectrum support to help support inflammatory balance, arterial elasticity, optimal nitric oxide levels, and blood flow. CitraNOX provides a powerful formula for those seeking to optimize several mechanisms of cardiovascular health. 
Lab Mentioned in Today’s Show:
GWH-4 Super Panel Plus Men’s Hormones Includes Consultation –
contains 20 tests with 91 biomarkers.