Sermons from GCBC

Sermons from GCBC

Latest Episodes

Don’t Settle For Second Best
January 26, 2014 Pastor Scott begins the Out of the Shadows series on the book of Hebrews by challenging us to not settle for second best but to stay focused on the gospel.

The Future Is Now
January 19, 2014 Pastor Scott concludes the Praying For Spiritual Success series by encouraging us to live now how we will live in the future. His text for this sermon is 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12.

The Measure of Success
January 12, 2014 Pastor Scott continues to investigate what success would look like for our church. In this sermon Scott investigates Colossians 1:9-14 and Paul's expectations for the church to be fruitful.

Understanding the Incomprehensible
January 05, 2014 Pastor Scott continues the Praying for Spiritual Success series by encouraging us to learn more about Jesus each day. This simple aim is critical to our individual and corporate church success according to Paul's words found i

Harmonious Differences
December 29, 2013 Pastor Scott begins the Praying for Spiritual Success series. In this message he examines the lesson from Paul's prayer found in Romans 15:5-7 - live harmoniously for God's glory.

Everyone Needs Forgiveness
October 13, 2013 Sin can cause us to have doubts about our relationship status with God. Pastor Scott reminds us from Leviticus 16:1-17:9 that everyone needs forgiveness from God and it's always available!

Prone to Wander
October 06, 2013 Pastor Scott delivers an encouraging reminder that God remains faithful even when we sin. In this message Pastor Scott considers the Golden Calf incident found in Exodus 32-34.

A Meeting Place
September 29, 2013 Pastor Scott considers how the instructions for building the tabernacle found in Exodus 25-27 teach that God desires to meet with His redeemed in worship.

What’s in a Name?
May 26, 2013

Pastor Scott begins the Ruth's Redemption story by teaching how bitterness causes spiritual blindness from Ruth 1.

Heresy Busters
May 19, 2013

Pastor Scott concludes the Why the Trinity Matters series with this message on how true Christians are truly Trinitarian. Â