Sermons from GCBC

Sermons from GCBC

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Going With Purpose - Matthew 9:35-38 - Sermon Video
May 25, 2014

Going Reaching Teaching - Sermon Series Sermon Video from May 25, 2014 Christians must go with purpose to all people. Pastor Scott develops this sermon from Matthew 9:35-38. Outline Main Idea: We need to be going to all people w

Acceptable Worship - Hebrews 13 - Sermon Video
May 11, 2014

Out of the Shadows Sermon Series Acceptable Worship - Hebrews 13 Pastor Scott concludes the sermon series on Hebrews with this message. He challenges us with the lesson that persevering is worshiping God with our whole life.  

Run The Race - Hebrews 12
May 04, 2014

Out of the Shadows Sermon Series Hebrews 12 Pastor Scott encourages us to persevere by laying aside sin. Subscribe to GCBC's iTunes Sermon podcast.

Promises, Promises
April 20, 2014 Resurrection Sunday - 2014 Pastor Scott shares his Easter 2014 sermon from Acts 13:13-43. He reminds us that we can have confidence in God's promises because of Jesus' resurrection. View this video on Vimeo.

Afflicted - Good Friday 2014 - Sermon Video
April 18, 2014 Pastor Scott delivers a Good Friday message from Isaiah 53.   Subscribe to GCBC's sermon podcast on iTunes.

Older But Wiser
March 23, 2014

Looking For Mature “Eaters”
February 23, 2014 Pastor Scott reminds us that true Christians teach others about Jesus. The text for this sermon is Hebrews 5:11-6:12.

Jesus, The Great High Priest
February 16, 2014 John Greening, one of our deacons and National Representative of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches, challenges us that there is no religious leader more worthy to follow than Jesus. John develops these thought

A Better Rest
February 09, 2014 Derek Phillips continues the Out of the Shadows series by reminding us of the truth that "true Christians stick." Derek develops this theme from Hebrews 3:7-4:13.

Worthy of More Glory
February 02, 2014 Pastor Scott encourages us that Jesus' faithfulness should give us confidence to talk with and about God. The text for this sermon is Hebrews 3:1-6.