God's Pure Word of Faith

God's Pure Word of Faith

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Richard Hardin's Faith 2
May 30, 2023

Faith #2---FAITH, My Personal Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB Heb 11:1, understand clearly what faith is, how you get faith, how you can grow even today in faith. You must seek

Richard Hardin's GPWF: Faith #2
May 19, 2023

Faith #2---FAITH, My Personal Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB Heb 11:6, Faith is the only way to respond to Jesus and be pleasing to God. I want you to understand clearly

Richard Hardin's GPWF: Faith #1
May 18, 2023

Faith #1---FAITH, My Personal Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB Heb 11:6, Faith is the only way to respond to Jesus and be pleasing to God. I want you to understa

Richard Hardin's GPWF: Calvinism's Election, Predestination 'R' devils' Lies!
May 17, 2023

Calvinism's Reformed Theology's Election & Predestination are 'devil' Lies!----My Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB---- Jesus says in Matt 25:41, "...everlasting fire, prepared for t

Richard Hardin's GPWF: My Six Books (Con't)
May 16, 2023

My books address errors taught that hinder us from being able to understand and respond correctly to God by Faith: "Choose Faith and Grace", "Mercy,Grace, Charity" and "Choosing Faith With Love." Resp

Richard Hardin's GPWF: My Six Books
May 15, 2023

Richard Hardin's, Books #1: Tue- Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB , **There are many important subjects that are not being taught correctly in our Christian Society. God is getting a bad rap b

Richard Hardin's GPWF: Mercy, Grace, Charity!
May 14, 2023

Richard Hardin's GPWF: Mercy, Grace, Charity, -(Works Of God!) Three of the most important words in the Bible for Christians to understand! ---My Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVBWeekly

Richard Hardin's GPWF: Beatitudes, Sermon On The Mount!
May 13, 2023

Beatitudes/Sermon On The Mount---- A different way than you have heard them before! Books: amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB : Email: https://yahoo.com/Weekly: M-F, &-8AM; Sat-Sun, 6-8AM (

Richard Hardin's GPWF: We Must Seek God's Pure Word/Will!
May 12, 2023

We Must Seek God's Pure's Word/Will! ---rahardin.com-Bio, Pods,Videos-Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB ----Wedi - 7AM CST Are you seeking and hoping to find God's perfect will about so

Richard Hardin's Election, Predestination "R" devil's Lies!
May 10, 2023

Calvinism's Reformed Theology's Election & Predestination are 'devil' Lies!----My Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB---- Jesus says in Matt 25:41, "...everlasting fire, prepared for t