God's Pure Word of Faith

God's Pure Word of Faith

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Richard Hardin's GPWF: All Sickness Is A Curse From The devil! So Pray!
June 16, 2023

All Sickness Are Curses Of The devil! So Pray,(Talk) To God About Your Situation! My Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB*****Search the Scriptures & find doors you have opened to the

Richard Hardin's GPWF: The Wise Winneth Souls
June 16, 2023

The Wise Winneth Souls! What Gifts will you have to share with Jesus our Savior WHO suffered so much that each of us could become children of His Heavenly Father and live forever in heaven? Our Greate

Richard Hardin's GPWF: Suicide #1
June 13, 2023

Suicide is increasing in our society. Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB---Today is especially a critical time because so many people look happy and act like they are having fun while eve

Richard Hardin's GPWF: Mercy, Grace, & Charity
June 11, 2023

Richard Hardin's GPWF: Mercy, Grace, Charity, -(Works Of God!) Three of the most important words in the Bible for Christians to understand! --

Richard Hardin's GPWF: We Are All Saved By Grace thru Faith!
June 09, 2023

We Are All Saved From Our Sin Debt by Grace Thru Faith --- Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVBWkly: M-F, 7-8AM; Sat-Sun, 6-8AM (CST) @ on Itunes.****Ephesians 2:8 states, "For by grace a

Richard Hardin's GPWF: Baptism # 2
June 07, 2023

Baptism # 2 ---MyBooks: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB --- There are so many different beliefs about baptism. I hope you will listen in and maybe this will clear up som

Richard Hardin's GPWF: Baptism #1
June 06, 2023

Baptism #1 ---MyBooks: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB --- There are so many different beliefs about baptism. I hope you will listen in and maybe this will clear up some of the confusion. So

Richard Hardin's GPWF: Jesus Not In The OT Prior To His Birth!
June 04, 2023

Jesus Was Not God Prior To His Birth and Exaltation To The Godhead! -----Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVBEmail: rhardin@yahoo.com rahardin.com -Bio, 18 Videos, Podcasts***** I will

Richard Hardin's GPWF! USA 9/11 Vs 9/11
June 03, 2023

USA 9/11 VS Isaiah 9/11 --Both Very Similiar In UnGodly Responses! --- Website: rahardin.com--Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB---Schedule: M-F, 7-8AM; Sat-Sun, 6-8AM, (CST)****God let

Richard Hardin's GPWF: Calvinism's Election, Predestination "R" devils Lies !
June 02, 2023

Calvinism's Reformed Theology's Election & Predestination are 'devil' Lies!----My Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB---- Jesus says in Matt 25:41, "...everlasting fire, prepared for t