Girls Gone WOD Podcast

Latest Episodes
Ep.354: Capital “D” Doing with Mom Sandy
Joy and Sandy talk about manifesting and how we can bring more intention to our daily lives. SPONSOR HELLO NED DISCOUNT CODE JOY
Ep.353: Niki Brazier on Deciding to Have a Baby
Niki Brazier Instagram Niki Brazier in 2016 on GGW Podcast HUDA Beauty Sephora Shadow Stick Tarte Primer HAIRSTORY New Wash Discount code Joy10 Support the show: discount cod
Ep.352: Crossfit Games Athlete Alethea Boon
Alethea Boon Instagram HAIRSTORY New Wash Discount code Joy10 Support the show: discount code JOY SUBSCRIBE and Rate our show!
Ep.351: Intuitive Eating is Not What You Think It Is
Molly Bahr Counseling Instagram: @mollybcounseling Evelyn Tribole Intuitive Eating National Eating Disorders Association HAIRSTORY New Wash Discount code Joy10 Support the show: www.doubleunderwonder.
Ep.350: What I Ate in a Day Takedown
We are joined by Laura Ligos the Sassy Dietitian to talk about her top 3 products and why “what I ate in a day” posts are so troublesome. Support the show: discount code JOY
Ep.349: Mom Sandy and Joy Talk About Grief and Loss Jason Isbell Loss during 2020 and how we all cope with grief differently. Support the show: discount code JOY SUBSCRIBE and Ra
Ep. 348: Hi GGW! We’ve Missed You!
It’s been awhile but we’re back to talk health, wellness, and fitness. Subscribe and share with your friends! JK McLeod and Joy talk about motivation, definition of “fitness”, when you are NOT in a po
REMINDER! We’ve moved to Subscribe to THIS IS JOY & CLAIRE wherever you listen to podcasts Thank you for your support!!! Joy & Claire
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REMINDER! We’ve moved to Subscribe to THIS IS JOY & CLAIRE wherever you listen to podcasts Thank you for your support!!! Joy & Claire
Ep.347: GGW Changes! We’re Moving!
Have you heard the news? We’re changing our podcast name! Listen to this episode for all the details and learn how to follow us on the new feed, This is Joy & Claire. It feels bittersweet to record our last episode for GGW but we are so excited for wha...