Squared Away

Squared Away

Square Away Ep. 141 Secrets of Sensual Liberation With Magda Kay

December 24, 2023

Join us on Episode 141 of the Squared Away Podcast as we delve deep into the intriguing world of intimacy and sexual empowerment with the remarkable Magda Kay. From her journey as an inorgasmic 27-year-old to her immersive exploration in a tantric sex community, Magda shares her transformative odyssey, revealing how she transcended barriers to become an intimacy coach and tantric sex teacher. In her candid conversation, she unravels the essence of her book ‘No More Faking It,’ empowering listeners to navigate relationships with confidence and competence. Tune in for an eye-opening discourse on sensual liberation and unlocking the keys to fulfilling connections!

Find Magda Here


A3 Body Lotion https://www.a3health.com

Urban Savage https://urbnsvg.com

Assault Limited https://assaultlimited.com

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Martin martin@cre8dev.net

Paul paul@urbnsvg.com