Shades of Strong® | Supporting Black Women in Redefining Strength, Rewriting Narratives & Celebrati

Shades of Strong® | Supporting Black Women in Redefining Strength, Rewriting Narratives  & Celebrati

The Cost of Being a Strong Black Woman | S2Epi001

March 11, 2019


Photo Credit:  Clarke Sanders on Unsplash

Being a Strong Black Woman often means giving up your right
to just be (whomever you are) because...
They tell you to take risks – take lots of them. Then question you when you do.

They imply that you need to be everything to everybody.

They tell you not to settle for mediocrity – fight for the life you want.

But no one tells you how to do any of those things. There’s no rule book or guide.

So, you stumble. You fall flat on your face. And now you’re trying to figure out how to soar.

You’re fighting with everything in you – not being easily intimidated.

Not letting society, religion, the man walk all over you.

You boldly speak up against unfairness and injustices in your personal and business life.

You have the audacity, the unmitigated gall to sit at the table where you’ve rightfully earned your seat.

You even dared to build your own table – building your own empire and ruling as THE QUEEN within its walls.

You fight!  You push!  You refuse to be silenced! You stand in your truth. You refuse to allow anyone to control your narrative.

You proudly adorn yourself with your superwoman cape and eagerly place a S on your chest.

And just when you’re feeling like all is right in your world, you find yourself on the wrong side of being a strong black woman.

Suddenly, you’ve been labeled bitter, angry, emotional, unemotional, aggressive, too independent, not independent enough and the list goes on.

Black men don’t want to date you.  

White men don’t want to hire you.

Your health is failing -- mentally, physically and emotionally.  You have no idea how to process any of these experiences.

So, now here you are – ready to renounce your strength by boldly declaring,

 “I’m not a strong black woman.  I’m just a woman.”

Welp!  Natty and I are here to help change all of that because you are NOT just a woman! You are innately strong, innately black, innately woman and it's time to STOP apologizing for that.

Tune in NOW to hear our thoughts on the cost of being a strong black woman and how you can stand in your truth without apologizing for your strong black womaness, AND we're you're finished, hop on over to FACEBOOK or TWITTER, or Instagram @shadesofstrong and join the conversation with the hashtag #mystrongis


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