Shades of Strong® | Supporting Black Women in Redefining Strength, Rewriting Narratives & Celebrati

Shades of Strong® | Supporting Black Women in Redefining Strength, Rewriting Narratives  & Celebrati

Day 19: Focusing on What You Can Control

July 23, 2024

My strong is focusing on things I can control. 

Welcome to Day 19 of our “me-first” journey! Yesterday, we chatted about overcoming fear, and today, we’re exploring a closely related challenge—focusing on things you can control. This discussion is vital as we continue to evolve away from old, restrictive habits and toward a life where we handle uncertainties with grace and ease. Focusing on what you can control  is crucial to avoiding regression into old habits that no longer serve us.

Change is challenging, especially when it surfaces fears about the unknown. But here’s the thing—we might not be able to control every aspect of our lives, but we can certainly control our responses. Today, we’ll explore practical strategies for doing just that. We’re not just talking about surviving amidst chaos but thriving by recognizing the areas of our lives where we have true agency and making intentional choices there.

Today, it’s all about learning to chill and let things flow a little. As we move away from our hyper-independent habits, we’re making room for living in a way that’s not just about surviving, but thriving. We’re talking about moving from trying to control everything to just letting go and letting life happen.

Key Takeaways:

  • Empowerment Through Control: Learn about the empowering effect of focusing on areas of your life you can directly influence and the peace that comes from releasing the rest.
  • Practical Strategies: I dive nto actionable ways to identify what’s within your control and how to leverage this focus to reduce stress and enhance well-being.
  • Shifting Perspectives: Discover how changing your focus from what you can’t control to what you can fundamentally shifts how you interact with the world, making you more proactive and less reactive.

Join our Upcoming “Un-caped” Workshop:   If today’s conversation about control and managing it resonates with you, then you won’t want to miss our monthly “Un-caped” workshop. We’ll dive even deeper into topics like this. It all happens on the last Tuesday of the month. The next one is July 30th, and I’d love to see you there. This is your chance to connect with others who are on the same journey and to really reinforce your commitment to a “me-first” life.

Looking Ahead: Tomorrow, we’ll explore another important aspect of living a “me-first” life – Knowing when to walk away. Stay tuned to continue this transformative journey with us. Join us ffot tips and strategies for tools to thrive amid uncertainty. Reserve your spot now!

Stay Connected with All Things Shades of Strong and the Black Female Experience:

 – Register for the “Uncpaed” Workshop

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