Shades of Strong ® | Redefining Strength, Rewriting Narratives, and Celebrating Authenticity

Shades of Strong ® |  Redefining Strength, Rewriting Narratives, and Celebrating Authenticity

Empowering Conversations for Black Women: Season Premiere Trailer

March 26, 2024

My strong is empowering Black women.

Get ready for a powerful new season of Shades of Strong! Hosted by Shirley Hubbard and Natalyn Bradshaw, this podcast empowers Black women to embrace their authentic selves and challenge societal stereotypes.

Launching on April 9th, this season features compelling conversations with inspiring guests. From discussing the dangers of overextending without reciprocity to unmasking imposter syndrome, the topics are diverse and impactful. They’ll also delve into the importance of healing from the mother and father wounds, and strategies for overcoming workplace bullying.

Join our email list for weekly encouragement, special offers, and a free 90-day digital energy and mood tracker. This tool complements the podcast’s themes, helping listeners identify triggers and patterns for better self-care.

Connect with Shades of Strong on social media for daily inspiration and community discussions. Follow @shadesofstrong on all platforms.

Stay tuned for the new season, premiering April 9th! In the meantime, catch up on past episodes and share the podcast with your friends.

Join the Community
: Join the Shades of Strong Email List, our community of like-minded Black women empowering themselves and each other, to receive exclusive updates about the podcast and more empowering conversations.

Connect on Social Media: Follow Shades of Strong on social media for content exploring the Black female experience and stay updated on the latest episodes and community events. We’re @shadesofstrong across all platforms.

Shop our Self-care Line in the Etsy shop where self-care is an art of nurturing the heart and soul. Our tools—mood trackers, journals, self-nurturing games, and coloring pages—are crafted to elevate your inner journey, inviting you to love your inner self as much as your outer self.

Next Episode Teaser: Tune in next time for an insightful conversation on “Fostering a Practice of Humanizing Ourselves,” using the body scan method, we’ll explore how we unintentionally dehumanize ourselves and discuss strategies on how to cultivate self-compassion and authenticity. Don’t miss it. 

Listener Survey: Share your feedback with us HERE.