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All Aboard the Tuna Rollercoaster! Join the King of Fish for a Wild Ride that Involves Ernest Hemingway and (of course) Jane Fonda
September 05, 2023

A bluefin tuna can grow to the size of a car, weigh twice as much as a grand piano, swim as fast as a running lion, and keep its muscles at human body temperature even in the ocean's coldest depths. It's also wildly delicious, with a sweet, briny, but mea

The Keto Paradox: Fad Diet *and* Life-Saving Medical Treatment
August 22, 2023

What do some epilepsy patients have in common with tech bros, bodybuilders, and Joe Rogan? The high-fat, carb-shunning diet known as keto, whose history dates back much further than its 2010s rise to fame. In this episode, Gastropod traces how a medical t

Secrets of Sourdough (encore)
August 08, 2023

Today, you can find a huge variety of breads on supermarket shelves, only a few of which are called "sourdough." For most of human history, though, any bread that wasn't flat was sourdoughthat is, it was leavened with a wild community of microbes. And ye

Watch It Wiggle: The Jell-O Story (encore)
July 25, 2023

It's been described as the ultimate status symbol for the wealthy, as the perfect solution for dieters and the sick, and, confusingly, as a liquid trapped in a solid that somehow remains fluid. What could this magical substance be? In case you haven't gue

Where's the Beef? Lab-Grown Meat is Finally on the Menu
July 11, 2023

Can we really have our burger, eat itand never need to kill a cow? Growing meat outside of animalsin a lab or, these days, in shiny steel bioreactorspromises to deliver a future in which we can enjoy sausages and sushi without guilt, and maybe even wit

The Incredible Egg (encore)
June 27, 2023

We love eggs scrambled, fried, or poached; we couldn't enjoy a quiche, meringue, or flan without them. But for scientists and archaeologists, these perfect packages are a source of both wonder and curiosity. Why do eggs come in such a spectacular variety

Good Shit: How Humanure Could Save Agriculture—and the Planet
June 20, 2023

For most of us, when we sit on the porcelain throne to drop the deuce, priority number one is flushing and never having to think about it again. But it might be time to rethink our stink: all around the world, people are talking about using human waste fo

Gettin' Fizzy With It (Encore)
June 13, 2023

'Tis the season for a refreshing glass of bubblybut this episode we're not talking wine, we're talking seltzer. America is in the throes of a serious seltzer craze, with consumption of the bubbly stuff doubling in only a decade, from 2004 to 2014. But wh

Who's Eating Who: Pineapples and You
June 06, 2023

What was the hottest accessory for late 1600s European dining rooms? The pineapple! Explorers had recently brought this spiky tropical fruit over from the Americas, and in short order it became the Gucci purse of its day—so exciting and desirable that it

You've Lost That Hungry Feeling
May 23, 2023

Whether it's via TikTok or the morning news, youve probably heard the recent hype (and hand-wringing) about new prescription weight-loss medications with names like Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro. These drugs were originally developed to treat diabetes, b