from Booze to Buddha

from Booze to Buddha

Latest Episodes

111 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Letting Go part 2
February 16, 2017

Today I just add to what I talked about yesterday. Letting go, Acceptance, The First Two Noble Truths, Grasping and Attachment. They are all connected and similar.

110 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Letting Go
February 15, 2017

Attachment and the second noble truth that we are the cause of all our suffering in a way is associated with letting go as taught in the forth step of the recovery program of Alcoholics Anonymous. I start with this teaching as an approach as I begin to...

109 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Faith…nothing WooWoo about it
February 14, 2017

Faith in AA began when I was at my bottom and didn't have any other choice but to ask for help and trust they could. In time I came to see that what I seemed to fear about the 12 steps was only my misinterpretation. I was afraid, at the time,

108 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | But for the grace of God…
February 13, 2017

There but for the grace of God go I. Today I examine this phrase and it's meaning to an agnostic like myself. Once again I show how I apply what I've learned to improve myself and my life.

107 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | One of my best weeks ever! EVAH!
February 10, 2017

Thank you everyone who listens to the program. As I mention today having this project in my life adds to my feeling fulfilled. I recognize that Buddhism, and other religions, help to answer what is the purpose of ones life.

106 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | More Suggestions
February 09, 2017

Well today I add a little more to the suggestions to get us to the best week ever. Mostly I give examples of why this has worked so well for me and countless others. I also remind us all that it's not about a quick fix it's about applying fitness,

105 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Some more success habits and honesty
February 08, 2017

Caution: Today at the end of the episode I share with the audience and I get moved emotionally. - Today's episode: I was contacted by a listener who felt that my suggestions this week we too strong. I address that,

104 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Thought for the Day, Meditation and Prayer
February 07, 2017

As we work toward creating the best week "EVAH!" I share a little insight as to why I'm doing it this way. I add some suggestions to deal with any negative thoughts that may come up. I also add a little bit more to our morning ritual and that is a thou...

103 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | The Best Week EVAH!
February 06, 2017

I'd like to thank one of my mentors Sam Crowley for the inspiration to teach "the best week EVAH!" That's how he says it and I can feel that energy and want to pass it along. So listen up! This week, do what I tell you and find a positive result.

102 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Meditation
February 03, 2017

Today as I close shop for the week I give a talk on meditation and offer the suggestion to practice over the weekend.