from Booze to Buddha

from Booze to Buddha

Latest Episodes

121 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Season Two
June 01, 2017

Hello and Welcome to Season Two of From Booze To Buddha. Today is just a welcome or a welcome back to listeners and a tiny bit about what season one was about, for those who don't know. As well as some about what's to come as I take today to introduce ...

119 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Success Comes From Small Steps
March 13, 2017

Today marks a small anniversary of successful personal development for me. Two years ago I was in a deep depressive state but I was able to recognize I had a problem and then I looked to getting help outside of myself to restore my sanity.

118 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Step One Still An Addict
March 07, 2017

I am grateful for the 12 step program of recovery. I learned about myself and the root of my problems. I knew that I was the cause of my problems. I knew that my addictions were the source but through the program I learned that getting clean and sober ...

117 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | This Week – Why I’m a Buddhist
March 06, 2017

This week I want to go back a bit to the beginning to add to the foundation of this program by talking about why it is that I turned to Buddhism for my religion and spiritual beliefs. I had the beliefs first and then I discovered for myself the religio...

116 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Meditation on Death
February 25, 2017

Buddhists meditate on death. This is not a morbid practice nor is it meant to view life pessimistically. Instead the contemplation of death is meant to have the mind recognize how fragile and precious our life is so as to cherish it and treat it with t...

115 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | I walk the talk!
February 24, 2017

Today's episode is about what is going on for real in my life. I am a regular person who also gets down or experiences a loss of confidence but I am using the tools that I talk about and suggest in my life to cope with my life.

114 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Why are you a Buddhist?
February 22, 2017

I left yesterday's episode with the question in mind of why others might turn to Buddhism. I know my reasons and I've met many people with lots of different reasons so today I contemplate the question as I ask it. I also look at the Serenity Prayer,

113 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Why I am a Buddhist
February 21, 2017

Buddhists seek enlightenment meaning wisdom and inner peace from the three poisons of greed, hatred and ignorance. I turned to the 12 steps of recovery for much the same reason and continued to work the steps and learn more about Buddhism as I sought t...

112 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | More about the Truths
February 17, 2017

The four noble truths are called truths because they aren't required to be accepted on faith. They can be examined though experience to be discovered to be true statements about the nature of all phenomena.