The Free Zone w/ Freeman Fly

Latest Episodes
Eden in Florida – Dr Narco Longo
Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters. - Th
Longing For The Origin – Dr. Stefan Becker
I am life that wants to live, in the midst of life that wants to live. -Albert Schweitzer - Break away from old habits of thinking and living and come along on a personally colored expedition. It is
The Nurturer Pendulum – Beth Martens
Youre a helping spirit that gives your all to serve others. You love to contribute and give your support, but despite that you crash under the weight of it, and go from helping everyone, to helping n
Hallucinated Reality – James True
We all seem to be waiting for a "sci-fi" moment in our lives. Can we see what we don't believe? Can our attention be farmed? Can we see the color blue!? What will we manifest now that we are deeply qu
Economic Armageddon – Mel Mattison
It sure sounds like the Apocalypse is near. During the eclipse, trucks can't drive through Texas and New York is locking down there prisoners. NASA is not only launching rockets at the moon's shadow;
Eclipse X and the Serpent Deity – Jason Breshears
Why is there so much fear promoted with the coming eclipse April 8th? Department of Homeland Security, National Guard, Sheriffs and hospitals, all on high alert. The news suggests being prepared with
Should We Fear A.I. – Alex Tsakiris
During the World Tour of Artificial Intelligence event in Moscow, Vladimir Putin was presented with an AI analysis using Googles neural network technology suggesting that the images of U.S. astrona
Homeless Industrial Complex – Frater X
The powers that be have a vision. We do not. This allows them to creep towards their goal unseen and keeps us mindlessly seeking answers to the problems they provide. Will we choose our own path or co
This Is A Live Exercise – Maryam Henein
Whether you like it or not, George Floyd changed your life. A multi-layered psy-op that inspired a year of destruction and chaos. What happens when you do the hard work, get the FOIA requests and vide
Freemasonry and the Nephilim – Frater X
Are we being guided to extinction and if so, by whom? - We are watching a world turn anti-human and we must ask why. In The Book of Enoch, the Nephilim are shown to have brought their egos to the for