Free and Fearless

Free and Fearless

How to Go from The ‘Hustle’ Phase to The ‘Alignment’ Phase

April 06, 2021

There are many people who might tell you that you should never stop hustling as a business owner if you want to scale. Others will tell you that you can build an aligned business from the start without ever working longer hours, being overwhelmed or experiencing negative emotions.

Everyone’s journey is different and yours will be unique too. That’s why it’s important to only take what resonates with you. In this episode of The Free and Fearless Podcast, I want to share more about the 2 phases in business – the hustle phase and the alignment phase, why both are necessary, how and when to enter each, and examples from my hustle period that aren’t that pretty but which I have nothing else but gratitude for. 

Tune into the episode below:

Show Notes:

* [01:33] Where the hustle got me and what the next level is* [04:21] The exact steps I took back in the days to turn my passion into my career* [06:45] What my hustle phase looked like and why it was necessary* [09:16] My second hustle phase and how it led to $5K months and doing the work I love* [11:32] How hustling makes you humble and why you don’t want overnight success* [13:08] Masculine vs feminine energy* [15:28] How I use feminine energy in business* [16:39] How to use energetic alignment to make manifestation work* [18:10] How alignment feels like in my business now


I believe the hustle phase helped me build certain qualities such as discipline, the ability to put my business above many other things, to rely on myself, to trust that no matter what, I can still make it, to wake up early or stay up late and be laser focused on my work.

To build the mindset necessary to make those first $100, then $1000, then make that monthly and manage it well. Because the rules of managing money don’t magically change when you get to a bigger income. So you need to have some skills and qualities that you can take with you down the road when you hit milestones you never dreamt of, receive amazing opportunities, live the lifestyle your business will provide, and run your dream business that creates impact and makes your day meaningful.

My experience looked like this: I hustled for a long, long time. That got me to my current level, doing work I love, having the exact business model I want, living in my favourite country where I relocated thanks to my income, being able to adjust things so I can only work on what lights me up.

It has provided all I want in terms of freedom, lifestyle, independence and work flexibility, and for that I wake up grateful everyday. I also have no doubt that I earned this. By being in front of the laptop when nothing was happening, when no one else in my life understood what I was doing or why. When I doubted myself to make anything happen, when there was such a big gap between where I was and where I wanted to be.

I kept going and I did the inner work, which as I often say, is 90% of the work. 

But a business is meant to evolve on its own. And to unleash its potential, and more of mine, I started surrendering. Because the bad side of the hustle phase is that you’re resisting a lot of things. You aren’t letting growth and abundance in and that’s why you might stay at the same level even if it seems like you’re putting effort all the time. 

With that (and some personal aspects of my life that also needed less resistance and more trust in the process),