Founding Word

Founding Word

Latest Episodes

The Sevenfold Genealogy Of Jesus
April 10, 2024

Most of us tend to skip over those portions of Scripture that include long lists of those who begat who. It's common to assume they exist for historical purposes only. But upon further investigation of the genealogies of Jesus, there exists an incredible

The Science Of The Trinity
April 09, 2024

When 3-Dimensional man tries to define the nature of One who inhabits more than three dimensions, words such as Trinity are born in the lexicons of theology. The Trinity has never been fully understood until our recent understanding of hyperspaces. A&nbsp

Fulfilling The Law Perfectly
April 08, 2024

Jesus explains God's requirements for keeping the Law and he sets the bar so incredibly high that one can't help but wonder if the goal is even possible. Fortunately for us, Jesus also began this lecture by personally claiming responsibility for fulfillin

Persecuted For Righteousness Sake
April 07, 2024

When Satan's minions attack, they camouflage their persecution under deceptive accusations against your character. Jesus said that when this happens to you, it's for HIS sake that you're attacked and so REJOICE for GREAT is your reward in Heaven. MP3 Down

The Thirst For Righteousness
April 06, 2024

Sometimes, we resort to extremes in an attempt to fulfill a desire for righteousness. One is to put on self-righteousness which results in hypocrisy. The other is to live in private guilt and self-condemnation. God provides an escape route in between thes

The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth ?
April 05, 2024

The title KINGDOM OF HEAVEN is tied directly to the future rule of Jesus Christ over the Earth. This makes it easier to understand what Jesus meant when he said that the meek shall inherit the earth. Who are the meek and what is the inheritance? MP3 Downl

Jesus: Our Passover Lamb
April 04, 2024

During a celebration of the Jewish Passover Feast, Jesus launched into a controversial discussion with religious leaders, explaining how one passes over death into life, for they were unaware that Passover was prophetic for what would be accomplished on t

The First Sabbath
April 03, 2024

Why would God memorialize the Sabbath Day? What exactly are we supposed to be remembering? Was it because it was the 1st day of history to become a day off from work? Did God get tired and need a break? What really happened on the 1st Sabbath Day? MP3 Dow

Praying To Different Gods
April 02, 2024

Does all the world pray to the same God? When Jesus made his way into Galilee, he was repeatedly confronted by demon-possessed individuals. When a land becomes filled with the worship of false gods, it's no coincidence that demonic possession soon overtak

The Coming Universal Delusion
April 01, 2024

Bible prophecy tends to get painted through quaint-colored glasses but if a film were to be accurately made based upon what's coming, no one would ever suspect it's a Bible story until the climax when