Founding Word

Founding Word

Latest Episodes

True Greatness Defined
April 20, 2024

Jesus overheard an embarrassing debate between his disciples about who among them would be greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus sat a little child next to him for visual aid representing the child of God and explained how to be great in the Kingdom. M

Faith That Moves Mountains
April 19, 2024

Jesus said the faith of a mustard seed could enable us to move mountains and nothing would be impossible for us. We address how to get that kind of faith, what prayer and fasting is all about, we examine various types of mountains and how God removes them

Losing Your Life To Save It
April 18, 2024

Jesus said that whoever saves his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will save it. In this session we talk about seeking 1st the Kingdom of God, what it means to delight ourselves in the Lord and we address unmet needs and the desires of our he

The Church VS The Ecclesia
April 17, 2024

The word Church is used in our English Bibles for the Greek word Ecclesia which means Assembly or Congregation. In context of every place the word Ecclesia appears, it has nothing to do with Sunday mornings or worship services. MP3 Download SESSION NOTES

The Tradition VS The Word
April 16, 2024

When men take their man-made religious traditions and call them commandments of God, they're treading on dangerous ground. The more we compare God's Word with our understanding of church and religion, we discover a massive contradiction. MP3 Download SESS

How To Walk On Water
April 15, 2024

Jesus required that his disciples follow his directions and remain focused on HIM and HIS abilities, rather than being focused on their circumstances or limitations. Doing this is what led to 5000 people being fed with 2 fish and 5 loaves and Peter walkin

"My Name Is Legion"
April 14, 2024

6000 demons conjured up a violent storm and sent it into Jesus' location once they became aware that he was headed in their direction. When they realized the storm hadn't stopped him, they escaped into a herd of hogs, who then committed mass suicide. MP3

How To Blaspheme The Holy Spirit
April 13, 2024

What is the unforgivable sin? It's given cute little labels such as Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit but what does that mean? What sin could have possibly escaped the PAID IN FULL declaration that Jesus personally made before he died on the cross? MP3 Do

Treasures In Heaven
April 12, 2024

We've often heard it said that you can't take it with you when you die. But Jesus taught in his sermon on the mount that it IS possible to send it on up ahead of you by laying up for yourselves treasures in Heaven. How is this done and how is it even poss

How To Pray And How Not To Pray
April 11, 2024

In Matthew 6, Jesus gave instructions on how to pray and specifically HOW NOT to pray. He stressed the importance of keeping it private between you and God and the importance of keeping it real without fake platitudes or repetitive phrases. MP3 Download S