Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Latest Episodes

September 07, 2017

Do you have backup copies of all your family photos and home videos? What about your tax documents and other financial data? Maybe you have a collection of priceless family history information that you’ve painstakingly compiled over many years.

Your Privacy Rights Are Under Assault at the U.S. Border
August 31, 2017

There are bills before Congress to use drones along our border for mass surveillance and provisions to capturing all manner of biometric data when you travel. How will that data be used and who will have access?

August 24, 2017

Jeffrey Ritter, author of “Achieving Digital Trust”, is back to help us understand the phenomenon of “fake news” and to explain why it’s not a new thing. We talk about how deception and misdirection have been around since the dawn of marketing and how ...

August 17, 2017

Chris Romeo regales us with tales of safe-cracking robots, demonic car washes, possessed Teslas, and hacking of voting machines! Where did this all happen? At the hacker conferences, of course! We’ll help you understand how hackers really think and wha...

Why I Killed my Company to Save my Customers, pt 2
August 10, 2017

In this final segment, we address the classic conundrum: law enforcement believes that your servers hold key information that would prevent a devastating terror attack, but revealing the information may violate the privacy of the client,

Why I Killed my Company to Save my Customers
August 03, 2017

Ladar Levison is the CEO and Founder of Lavabit - a secure email service whose most famous customer was Edward Snowden. In part one of my two-part interview with Ladar, we discuss what happened when the FBI came knocking on his door,

July 27, 2017

Is trust just an emotion or is it more than that? In this week’s episode, I speak at length with Jeffrey Ritter: a lawyer, diplomat, researcher and author of the book “Achieving Digital Trust”. We get to the heart of what it means to trust,

July 20, 2017

What could be more crucial to a democracy than a voting system we can trust? Today I speak with Barbara Simons, President of, on why so many of our US election systems are vulnerable to hacking without leaving a trace.

July 13, 2017

Passwords are the bane of our modern existence. Why the hell haven’t we figured out a better way to prove who we are? Today is the first in a series of educational shows that I’ve dubbed Castle Defense 101: Defending Your Digital Drawbridge.

NotPetya Malware Strikes, Everything You Need to Know
July 06, 2017

Lawrence Abrams is the creator and CEO of Bleeping Computer, and he and I delve into the latest malware sweeping the globe called NotPetya (among other things). The supposed ransomware appears to be just plain mean,
