Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Latest Episodes

Adversarial Interoperability (Part 2)
February 24, 2020

it's not cheap or easy to get your iPhone repaired - largely because there's not a lot of real competition in the iPhone repair market. That's no accident. Owners of modern John Deere tractors have really only one option: John Deere. Why?

Adversarial Interoperability (Part 1)
February 17, 2020

Here's a riddle for you: when does something you paid good money not actually belong to you? Answer: when that device is part of the Internet of Things. Why? Because without the express permission and continued support of the company that sold you that...

Tax Time Brings Tax Scams
February 10, 2020

It's that time of year again: tax time! And that means it's also time for tax scams. I'll give you some tips on how to avoid them, and also help you find the real "Free File" versions of your favorite online tax filing software.

Just Say No (to Sharing)
February 03, 2020

We install antivirus software to protect us, not exploit us. Like a bodyguard, AV programs needs full, unfettered access to everything in order to properly do the job. That requires complete and absolute trust. And probably a non-disclosure agreement.

Data Privacy Day 2020
January 27, 2020

Happy Data Privacy Day! My guest today is none other than Bruce Schneier: world renowned security guru and author of several great books, including the Data and Goliath and Click Here to Kill Everybody! Bruce and I discuss the current state of data pri...

Clearview Knows Who You Are
January 20, 2020

A small company has amassed over 3 billion online photos from social media and other public sources, creating perhaps the largest facial database in existence - far larger than even the FBI's database. The images are often connected to a person's full ...

Why “Free File” Isn’t Free
January 13, 2020

The IRS already knows what I made, what taxes I've paid, and even what my mortgage interest was last year. Why do I have to fill out tax forms? Turns out there's a very specific reason, and you're not going to like it. At the turn of the century,

Time to Upgrade Windows
January 06, 2020

It's not too late! You can still snag a free upgrade to Windows 10 from Microsoft. If you're still running Windows 7, it's time to avail yourself of this offer. Microsoft is ending support for Windows 7 on January 24, 2020.

2020 New Year’s Resolutions
December 30, 2019

2019 has come and gone, and 2020 is upon us! You know what that means: New Years Resolutions! I've put together a Top Ten list of suggestions that will significantly improve your computer security and online privacy!

Behind the One-Way Mirror (part 2)
December 23, 2019

We know that we're tracked, but what remains largely invisible is the massive economy working behind the scenes (or "mirror") to buy, sell, trade and bid on you and your data. I've seen estimates that claim there are up to 4000 data brokers in the US a...
