Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Latest Episodes

Behind the One-Way Mirror (part 1)
December 16, 2019

If you've listened to even a handful of my shows, you are well aware that you're being tracked around the web. But even I was surprised by some of the things I learned in the recent white paper from the Electronic Frontier Foundation entitled "Behind t...

Snail Mail Identity Theft
December 09, 2019

We don't often think about the security and privacy of our regular old "snail mail", but we need to. According to recent activity observed by researchers of the dark web, the bad guys have been regaining interest in identity theft schemes involving phy...

Best & Worst Gifts for 2019
December 02, 2019

It's that time of year again - time to see which popular gifts make my privacy/security Naughty and Nice lists! You want to make sure that when you're giving gifts to your loved ones that you're not also giving gifts to hackers and data miners!

Data vs. Democracy (Part 2)
November 25, 2019

Today in part 2 of my deeply insightful interview with author Kris Shaffer, we discuss how marketers and foreign powers have been capturing our attention and even manipulating our responses. We'll discuss how these techniques were used in the 2016 US p...

Data vs. Democracy (Part 1)
November 18, 2019

They say we are in the Information Age and that data is the new oil. But many (including my guest, Kris Shaffer) are saying that was is truly valuable today is attention, not information. Information is so plentiful now that it almost has no value.

The Rise of Browser Fingerprinting
November 11, 2019

Marketing companies have come up with may clever ways to track our travels around the web, hoping to garner as much information about us as they can. At the same time, privacy-conscious organizations have given us tools to maintain our anonymity by co...

Preventing & Mitigating Identity Theft
November 04, 2019

How are our identities stolen? What happens to our identity information after its been stolen? Once we realize we've been hacked, what can we do to mitigate the damage and recover from the consequences? I'll discuss this and much more with Amyn Gilani ...

Dropping Dropbox
October 28, 2019

I've been a Dropbox user for many, many years. But recently, they've gotten really pushy - trying to get me to save all my photos and docs there, integrating with MS Office when I didn't ask it to, and pushing me to upgrade.

Risky Business (Part 2)
October 21, 2019

You've got ransomware! Now what? If you had the foresight to create safe backups, you can restore your data and move on. Sometimes the hackers screw up and you can actually recover your files directly without paying for the key. But in many cases,

Risky Business (Part 1)
October 14, 2019

As our world becomes increasingly technical and interconnected, we become more susceptible to technical misfortunes and feel more impact when they inevitably occur. In the first half of my interview with Joshua Motta,
